Reviews for Worship
LynLin chapter 1 . 3/28/2008
I...REALLY REALLY liked it. Holy frick. That was disturbing, but totally plausible. I LOVED it. And the lemon? OMFG. Freakin' awesome. haha It was new, and it was I have no words for this. I love it. love love love love it.

Mikanis chapter 1 . 3/27/2008
Ahaha! I'm writing my thoughts as I read, because if I don't they won't get said. That one line, where Light is all "FTW? Who SAYS that?" was perfection.

...Oh and I love how Light hadn't thought about the deification. It's almost an "Why didn't I think of that? Hmm...".

"...and Teru had to be punished for making him loose himself to entirely to simple words. Word." Oh, but Light, words have meaning...words are powerful.

"Come in." And Here I was with my little mantra. 'Come on, say it Light. You're thinking it...'

We think alike, you and I. It scares me sometimes.

And I'm sitting here smirking sadistically as Teru gets his way with his God. Shameless, self-serving Light can't even wrap his brain around it, poor thing.

Okay done, and yes, overall it was very creepy, but also very enthralling. The sense that Light is overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of Teru's adoration is very well portrayed, and comes across to the reader well. It starts almost with humor, and makes us shake our heads and sigh with Light. Idiot Stalker. As it grows more serious, we start to see just how...pious Teru really is and that is really, really powerful. To be deified is something frightening, and Light IS afraid of it, but he's also intrigued enough to keep his mouth shut. I like how you appealed to the darker nature of Light's ego, the fact that he could very easily succumb to something so over-the-top because of what he is. I like how his genius doesn't determine who he is, it just makes living as that person unbearable...because you're right, it WOULD take an idolatry to get his attention and keep it.

Very well done, darling, Bravo.
Fifty-I chapter 1 . 3/27/2008
that kind of devotion is disturbing, yeah this wasnt your style at all but, great anyway, the development of the fic was very incredible. you have my total respect for being able to write about everything
Miel et Cerise chapter 1 . 3/27/2008
Haha, I've always had a soft spot for this pairing. I like how you managed to write the lemon with Raito uke although he was the one "playing the guy's role" so to say. Gosh, I wish I had a boyfriend as devoted as Mikami.
Charliechild chapter 1 . 3/27/2008
Kind of eerie,

but, in a good way.

But honestly, I love your writing style too much not to enjoy it,

crazy stuff
MinusOne chapter 1 . 3/27/2008
*gaping* Wow...I must have rendered me speechless...I'm not sure whether or not I should be profoundly disturbed or extremely turned on by this...O.O 5 thumbs up! *cheshire grin*

Random irrelevent question: Have you ever taken an interest in Naruto? If so, then would you ever consider writing a SasuNaru/ItaNaru/GaaNaru/AnyNaruLemon or fanfic? Cause along with deathnote, I'm simply obsessed with the yaoi fanfics that can be written from that show, And I'm pretty sure you would get mounds of wonderful feedback if you ever decided to take up that fandom! - Hehe, but if you dont do Naruto then its no biggie, I was just tossing something out there (for my own personal gain *evil grin*)!

Anyways! Great story, albeit, mildly creepy, but still great nonetheless! - Ja Matta Ne!

Sora Ryuuzaki chapter 1 . 3/27/2008
Lol. xD Lemons... :D Lol xD Different from your usual LxLight, though. Interesting ;D
Nocturnal Smile chapter 1 . 3/27/2008
This was probably one of the best RaitoxTeru stories I've ever read (admittedly, it's not my favorite pairing so I haven't read that many, but still). It's surprisingly easy to see Teru stalking Raito. His eventual surrender to Teru's wishes was fun to read, although Teru was acting a little strange. The only problem I had with it was the few typos here and there. Otherwise, it was an amazing story and I loved it!
knighted lioness chapter 1 . 3/27/2008
wow. WOW. WOW. omg. im still in shock after reading that.

totally insane, totally creepy, and completely 100 percent riveting to the last sentence. brilliant brilliant brilliant, you've just managed to totally keep me from doing my french dissertation i'm so distracted by this...

it reminded me a lot of an Lxlight fic that i am so in love with called A Tithe To Hell by ningensucker, if you haven't read it i DEFINITELY recommend it to you as further reading on the whole Raito-God idea.

fantastic job, i love all your Death Note stories and although i pretty much read only LxLight this was absolutely fabulous...

i can't wait to read whatever comes next! be warned though, if it keeps being this good i might end up stalking you! lol just kiddin haha but omg please write again soon! these really make my day...
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