Reviews for Amputated at the Neck
Lady Runespoor chapter 1 . 1/27/2023
Succinct but powerful!

I resonated with Bella/Edward because I was a teenager when the books originally came out; Bella was my peer and contemporary.

But, I'm in my 30s now and I see their relationship as Jasper does. Not unhappy for them but also, Bella was so YOUNG for what Twilight was; what is eternity to someone who isn't even 30 yet? That would have been a good story/sequel story to tell!

I really admire your one-shots and they are excellent story telling. Powerful!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/12/2022
that was beautiful thank you
blancoroja chapter 1 . 9/2/2021
Wow, I love this insight into Edward's mind. The part about Edward loving the human race philosophically but considering himself above them...yet flogging himself for being a vampire is so accurate. Especially in Midnight Sun. And I've always thought Edwards loves the idea of Bella more than Bella. Like you put it, "that's worship, not love" and he loves the mystery of her. I've always thought that if Edward could read Bella's mind and discover that she's just as obsessed about his looks as the other human girls that Edward scoffs at, he never would have fallen in love with her.
TapTapAlways chapter 1 . 2/26/2019
Fascinating, and very insightful.
Kageyjay chapter 1 . 8/8/2018
Jasper may think he's not an intellectual, but he thinks deeply. I don't agree with all of what he's thinking, because, even though he knows Edward, he doesn't know all of Edward and Bella's relationship. I also don't think you have to know the worst of life firsthand to appreciate the best of it. You have shown us his deep thoughts with your well written story.
lol chapter 1 . 7/12/2018
Very nice insight! Thank you!
SS chapter 1 . 10/20/2017
Very nice.
lol chapter 1 . 8/1/2017
Very well written, thank you!
athome Jo chapter 1 . 7/4/2017
therecklesspath chapter 1 . 3/12/2017
Edward and Bella are both enablers. Edward is ridden with self hate and self loathing of what he is and Bella is ridden with her own insecurities, that doesn't mean they didn't love each other though their love was obsessive. Jasper may feel Edward emotion but he doesn't know what goes on in his head so he cannot tell whether E/B love are genuine. Bella threw Edward perfectly craft world in shambles when he met her and the only way he could deal with it is to become obsessed and a creep. I know, many who wrote a non canon couple fiction rag on Edward because he's so easy to hate but none of us truly understand him including SM.

For instance, a paper cut drove Jasper easily mad with bloodlust though he could feel his family thirst along with his own at the time. Imagine Edward, seeing, hearing, and feeling that same thirst of everyone against mate. Edward carry the burden of the Cullens vampires and countless human he ever encounter all alone. He heard every thought, every secret, shame, guilt, murders, fantasy, lust, seduction hate, hapiness, loneliness and despairs of every individuals within a mile radius on a daily basis with no reprieve. Every Rosalie pain, hate and bitterness, every Alice vision, every Esme pain of her dead son, Carlisle loss or joy as he got back from work, Emmett insensitive jokes and Jasper tales of massacres and war of both vampires and human alike. Edward hear, see and feel them all however fleeting it was in their thought, it's etched in his vampire mind forever after all they have a photographic memory. It a miracles the dude didn't set the world ablaze in rage and anger in other to quiet the voice in his head. He doesn't have the option like Aro who can decided whether or not to take your hand and invade your mind. His is uncontrollable whether he want it or not, he hears everything... So, he has every right to be arrogance, to kill off his entire family just to have a moment of peace, to abandoned civilisation and live in a cave with his Bella. In fact, I will run off to Volterra too, if l learned the only person who grant me peace in this damn existence is dead not after making millions feel my wrath. SM make Edward a coward and a whiny little child even though he has the greatest control of all.

Edward is not my favorite character, in fact my favourite characters in the entire twilight series is Leah. Jasper cannot judge, nor is he better than Edward because he's an empath. I can tell my daughter mood by watching her body language and facial expressions and I'm not even a vampire, but do I know what goes on in her head daily? Hell no, only Edward can lol. There is no comparison!
I got class chapter 1 . 7/27/2016
I almost have the feeling that jasper is jealous of Edward in here. As someone who can read emotions I feel as if jasper do not understand emotions enough to be judging. He also do not even try to understand. I mean Edward try to kill himself because he thought Bella died. Also the story is fiction people, obviously real life is not like that and I think you guys are trying to judge this base on real life too much to understand the story.
I got class chapter 1 . 7/27/2016
I don't particularly agree with this viewpoint because the author of twilight did explain how mating works and that's why Bella and Edward are how they are according to Jasper. I feel like jasper thinks just because he did not have a perfect life he is justified for his assumptions.
NuDo chapter 1 . 6/3/2015
Thank you for sharing your very interesting and different take on the belaward subject . I like the way you defined love and defined the characters .
Take care and good luck !
Jessica314 chapter 1 . 5/5/2015
This was recommended on Panlight today so I came to check it out. What a wonderful insight into how Jasper view Edward as his brother, and how he views Edward and Bella's relationship. This was really great. I think my favorite part was how Jasper analyzes and worries over the flawed love that Bella and Edward have for each other. It makes me wonder if Edward ever overheard any of these thoughts, or whether Jasper ever sought him out to warn him of how he was missing the mark about loving Bella for *who she is* versus what he assumes/wants her to be. I have really come to love and admire Jasper so much lately, mainly for his realism and his honesty and his hard-fought struggle to live this new life. And the poor guy deserves a medal for putting up with Edward's emotions for all these years!

I'd be curious to see a similar exposition from Jasper during the pregnancy in BD. This was very well done!
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