Reviews for The Littlest Sannin
Soulcaster chapter 3 . 4/14/2008
ah iam so happy i found this story ochi is actually GOD so COOL
IReadOnly chapter 3 . 4/14/2008
Having Orochi-teme be a good guy is kinda disturbing...

But the fic is nice...

What'll happen to the pairings?

Can Naruto be paired with Hinata?


With your concent ofcourse...
17AutumnLeaves chapter 3 . 4/13/2008
a cliffhanger!T_T how could you? *shakes fist*

please update soon, I'm really liking this story!
The Three Stoogies chapter 3 . 4/13/2008
A good chapter update soon.
AngelicWrath chapter 3 . 4/13/2008
i cant wait to see who it is that attacked them keep up the good work update soon:)
Bobboky chapter 3 . 4/13/2008
KunochiDreamer chapter 3 . 4/13/2008
Good chapter.
windlg chapter 3 . 4/13/2008
mlkoolc86 chapter 3 . 4/13/2008
can't wait to read the next one
PyxisCetus chapter 3 . 4/13/2008
Sweet chapter! Lol, Orochimaru's dreams would be very...strange.
Dragon Man 180 chapter 3 . 4/13/2008
Nice chapter, I love Naruto and Anko's sibling bond and I can't wait to see how Anko reacts to villagers mistreating Naruto because of Kyuubi! Normally she's scary enough when she wants to be, but add in protecting someone she cares about... the villagers are screwed!
17AutumnLeaves chapter 2 . 4/10/2008
no! *shakes fist* a cliffhanger? how could you?

Well done for this fic _ I'm really enjoying it! Update Soon!
Raine-of-the-Night chapter 2 . 4/9/2008
good story
The Three Stoogies chapter 2 . 4/7/2008
A good story update soon.
Aloha.Laney chapter 2 . 4/7/2008
Nice chapter!

I liked the scenes where Naruto learns to speak... the names he uses are really great!

"Orochimaru’s head popped out the flap, he had half face of shaving cream with his hair tied back in a topknot." Just to imagine that... wonderful!

Nice job!

Update soon!
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