Reviews for Losing Face
Ale chapter 2 . 10/9/2018
Cute story start. I wish you'd finish, but I did enjoy reading what was written :)
Ale chapter 2 . 6/9/2015
Oh, and I want to say the misinterpretation about them sleeping together amused me a lot :D
Ale chapter 2 . 6/9/2015
Aw, poor Goku :P
Personally I'm more of a fan of Goku and Sanzo together than Hakkai and Sanzo, but I do like reading both :D

I really wish you would have continued this. The premise sounds so exciting and I already love the way that you write each of the characters.

I'm POSITIVE that I would adore this story if you ever continued it.

I hope you do get back to it someday :)

Thank you for writing at least this much.
BeyondMyReach chapter 2 . 4/29/2014
hello. I know you haven't update this fic in 6 years or so but would you please update? This story and plot is so intriguing and it is just seeping with potential. Please? I would love to see what happens next.
RationalWarlordSkitter chapter 2 . 2/20/2014
O my god I hope that you update this again. its awesome. just to be clear, at some point Sanzo with cross that 1000 demons line and be turned into a demon? because that would just make my day and you could do so much with that. Please come back to this one, pleeeeeeeeeeeease!
Silver-Snow-77 chapter 2 . 1/13/2014
I like this so far, though it's a shame it hasn't been continued as of yet.

The marriage jokes are hilarious, and wrong assumptions aside, it's an angsty kind of cute to see how Sanzo and Hakkai are relating to one another. I'm guessing that it won't be long until Sanzo hits the 1000 youkai mark, and things will be going downhill like an avalanche until they either com to a stop and settle or gravity reverses.
darkhuntresscece chapter 2 . 2/14/2013
Awww, I wish this story could be updated/continued. *le sigh*
unkNOWncat chapter 2 . 4/27/2012
"Please may I have some more?" sorry random movie quote but it does express my desire for more chapters on this fic won't you be so kind as to give them to me?
losse chapter 2 . 11/9/2011
hello again, i just reviewed this story's prequel...

last updated in 2008; i know there isn't a good chance that you'll respond, but boy i would be overjoyed if you were to finish this fic. i lovelovelove the characters as you have understood them. in fact i think this might well be my favorite interpretation of saiyuki yet. if you haven't yet completely moved on in your life, please consider finishing this. you would make at least one person in this wold deliriously happy.

surrealgreen chapter 2 . 8/1/2011
I hope you plan to keep working on this-I loved Saving Face, and I'm crazy about Possessive!Hakkai (there's just not enough out there).
sc627 chapter 2 . 11/22/2010
Wow...I've read all your saiyuki fics with Sanzo and I must say... I've never read any fic better than this...

I never review for fics that don't strike me as awesome but these fics...are beyond AWSOMENESSSSSS!

Sorry if I sound weird to you butI just wanted you to know;;

Are you gonna complete this fic like the others or am I asking for too much in my useless attempt,

I hope you do update though, it's really hard to find good fics to make your day...

Thanx; please reply:]
Jadej.j chapter 2 . 8/2/2010
Oh I do hope you write more to this story :) Good stuff..:)
lilyoftheval5 chapter 2 . 2/16/2010
You write very realistic when it comes to Saiyuki, making incredibly enjoyable stories - therefore Favouriting...
Vanidot chapter 2 . 10/15/2009
Please Finish This! Please! Please! Please! Do I remind you of someone? (Goku) I love Hakkai! I don't really like him gay but I like your writing and I like this story please continue!
Kamo113 chapter 2 . 9/14/2009
I love the twists in this! Excellent job!
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