Reviews for Black Dwarfs, Blue River
Guest chapter 30 . 7/10/2024
Absolutely love this story. Amazing characterization. I fell in love with them
estar12 chapter 1 . 1/29/2024
I love this fic so so much
LostPipersChild chapter 30 . 10/3/2022
Really enjoyed this. I've been looking for a good Golden Age fic for ages.
sjsbzyahamLshxvavaggaavagag chapter 21 . 8/18/2020
I haven't read past chapter 21 yet. Possibly because of lack of interest. It pains me. It does. But this story lacks conflict. There's nothing to keep the reader hooked. No cliffhangers. No mystery or any kind of suspense. I understand the main objective was for Edmund to make friends with the dwarfs but there has to be some sort of twist or turn of events.
It's just Ed heading to the Blue River, making friends, learning. The only thrill we got was the werewolf and that too was short lived. Stories need thrill and suspense, in my opinion. This one's going too plain.
I don't just seems that way to me.
I'll still be reading the whole story, see where this goes :-)

Your other works are inspiring though.
Falconartist5.0 chapter 30 . 8/5/2020
Wowww...this was amazingly written. You are a master of your craft. Only thing I wish I could see is ed giving the knife to peter.
waitingforloki chapter 1 . 6/13/2020
This story was just AMAZING
katco-cereal chapter 30 . 5/26/2020
Holy bejeezus, this is one of the best things I have ever read in my life. You are a MASTER of creativity, writing, and storytelling. This is so wonderful. I can’t wait to reread.
katco-cereal chapter 30 . 5/26/2020
Holy bejeezus, this is one of the best things I have ever read in my life. You are a MASTER of creativity, writing, and storytelling. This is so wonderful. I can’t wait to reread.
Guest chapter 30 . 2/25/2020
Read the sequel first - oops! love this anyway
Robbie chapter 30 . 11/22/2019
I absolutely love your stories! I came back to read this one for at least the fourth time. Your characters are so alive and realistic and you have a way to write Narnia and Narnians as I think they were intended, even Aslan feels right (and that is a feat few achieve in my opinion).
I also like the idea of Edmund having a second family with a father figure (although Brickit becomes more like that in 'Belana' - I'm very much looking forward to the next chapter of that, by the way).
Guest chapter 16 . 7/23/2019
This is me rolling my eyes at Edmund
Guest chapter 11 . 7/23/2019
Edmund sounds like my aunt when she's worn out. She used to have this sign in her door saying "You knock today you will die today"
Guest chapter 1 . 7/21/2019
I love the authors disclaimer and thankyou for being a nice author who won't kill off characters out of nowhere
Haffajaffa chapter 1 . 5/17/2019
I've just read this story now-despite it being posted 10 years ago-but it is a true work of art. I love its originality, many Narnia fanfics seem to have the same plotlines and how well you describe all the forging-it really brings it to life. I love Edmund's characterization and his relationship with Brickit. Edmund's sure of himself and a true king-yet we see his insecurities too as well as his fierce love for his brother. Did you base Edmund on skandar Keynes from the movies I wonder-as you mention him having dark hair?

Overall lots of things to love-my only crticism would be that I really would have liked the scene where Edmund gives peter the knife.
Guest chapter 30 . 3/4/2019
Well done. Good story.
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