Reviews for Black Dwarfs, Blue River |
Inactive1357 chapter 1 . 4/21/2008 Oh...finally, the story of the Blue River Smithy! I can't wait to hear how it goes for Edmund - i bet it'll be very funny at times! Loved this line: "Charm? Edmund Randall Pevensie? “Lion preserve us,” I muttered. “Oh, he will, Peter. He will,” Edmund reassured me. “It’s the Blue River Smithy and this Brickit chap that needs to worry.”" Oh, watch out, Brickit! Some very... entertaining... times are about to ensue, if I'm any judge of things! |
DeletedAccountKCS chapter 1 . 4/21/2008 YES-S-S-S! NEW STORY! WOOHOO! *dances about office, gets very odd looks from fellow-teachers* Ahem. Anyhow, I love the brotherly interation, it's perfect and simply spot-on. I think my fav phrase was where Peter referred to Ed as 'my fellow-king' - just struck me as lovely. I've been so wanting to hear the whole Nancy thing - can't wait for more! |
Cirolane chapter 1 . 4/21/2008 *New story from elecktrum, dances the jiggy* Yay! I have a feeling that I'm going t love, LOVE this story. I was grinning through the whole chapter. This is going to be so cool. Edmund charming them indeed. Eventhough I know that he succeeds, I can't help but wonder how Brickit would react to Lucy. I can't wait for more. This is gonna be great, I can feel it) |
Anastigmat chapter 1 . 4/21/2008 Yes! I've wanted this story ever since 'They Also Serve.' Charm? Edmund Randall Pevensie? “Lion preserve us,” I muttered. This is going to be god. |