Reviews for Of Violence
Sharon T chapter 28 . 1/14/2012
Second time reading and still one of the best:) great job
Gin Ichimaru Awesome chapter 29 . 1/4/2012
T-this was an amazing s-story~ AMAZING! *starts to cry* :)
Poke-the-Jello chapter 10 . 9/4/2011
Well I'm back and reading and wadda you know-the answer to my question was (sorta) in this very chapter, but thanks for the reply anyways. They are quite cute with eachother, and love struck Byakushi is rather adorable, though a fair point was raised. Why hasnt he talked with Rukia? I suppose one problem at a time. And I wonder: can normal humans use soul mods? It would add an alternative for Yuzu and Karin's embarrassing problem with their significant others.
Poke-the-Jello chapter 4 . 8/30/2011
Jesus I really need to review. Well let me start by saying that I truly love your OCs, and thats a rare enough case especially with them being children. They all have their own personalities though none are so sugar sweet an angelic they make me barf rainbows. And you take this nack for multidimensional characterization and have expressed it in every main character so far. The time jump aside, I think Ichigo was pretty mature to begin with so its no leap of faith that he'd be a great father with HIS family situation. Rukia has always been deeply insecure and masochistic, as shown in her acceptance of her execution yet doesnt hesitate to stand up for herself. I'm sure theres a perfectly logical (or not since relationships tend to be anything but) reason for her insecurities. And of Byaku is his stoic self but the little thing he does for Ichigo really speak to his suppressed need to make up for being a neglectful brother. Honestly characterization is something that makes or breaks a story for me and so far its perfect. I was wondering, however, how aging works in the Soul Society. Do they age normally, is it slowed down?
Tintaglia In Flight chapter 4 . 8/1/2011
Waaaaah poor Ichigo!

Reading this chapter reminded me a lot of that song Face Down by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus (I even started listening to it while I read... ironically the part in the song where he sings "Do you feel like a man when you push her around, do you feel better now as she falls to the ground" was when Rukia was yelling and slapping Ichigo - matched the situation well except for the part where the genders are reversed)

Anyhoo on to the next chapter...
Annalee chapter 6 . 6/26/2011
Heh that was an interesting chapter
Annalee chapter 2 . 6/25/2011
Hmmm...I like it! The children each seem to show a different aspect of Ichigos personality with a slight dash of Rukia! :)
NightSkyWatcher.'.K.Shirokage chapter 28 . 6/4/2011

Words can't describe how much i LOVE your work!

Really love it.]

But it's still a pity that Rukia had to die. T.T

Sharon T chapter 29 . 3/9/2011
You are an amazing writer,this story was great . You put alot of feeling and depth to your characters.I love that the white haired captian got to find love(and not with his best -) you did great
Eowynd chapter 29 . 1/9/2011
Me encanto este fanfic

estuvo muy bien escrito y la trama fue increible

El hecho de que los golpes 'amistosos' de rukia hacia ichigo se convirtieran en abuso domestico, es algo bastante real, puesto que muchas veces la violencia de las parejas comienza en el noviazgo y sigue en el matrimonio. Ademas, a los hombres tambien los abusan, solo que ellos callan mas por el miedo y la vergüenza que las mujeres.

Gracias por un fic tan bien escrito, espero que sigas asi en el futuro


HaneGaNai chapter 28 . 1/2/2011
I'm overwhelmed by this fic. I read it practically in one go starting from 2 a.m. today (it is 8 p.m. right now) and it put a bit of a strain on both my eyes and my heart. It was a painful read, but so beautiful. It enthralled me from the very first word and I couldn't let it go till the last letter. Even if sleep tried to overtake. I just couldn't stop and continued through tears even, and you must know that it does take much to move me that much. The way you wrote Ichigo, his pain, his grief, the love for his family and the prissy noble - I really have a knack for Ichigo in pain.

I must admit that I had a hard time not hating Rukia, though mostly because I don't really like her as a character and the things she did to Ichigo only added to my spite. But I was glad to see her happy in the end. Really.

Oh, and Byakuya. How you wrote him was so different from all the other portraits of him I knew till now and I must admit that I grew fonder of him. For once he wasn't so stuck up and... boring.

And I absolutely loved the kids!

Ah, I just can't seem to wrap my mind around words of praise worthy such an wonderfully enchanting work. I absolutely loved it.
devil05166 chapter 29 . 12/29/2010
I will say that this is one of the best read I have encounter so far. I really don't know how to describe it but the story is very touching. It is something that can be related in real society problem and the hardship they face. In summary, it is a great story and I absolutely love it.
SenSayuri chapter 4 . 12/8/2010
I have to say, your a brave, brave author.. The amount of flames you've had must be really disheartening, yet you still continue to write beautifully.

I've been looking through the reviews ( It's a strange habit of mine when I read a Fiction..) and cringed at the venom some people put into their reviews... All I can think Is what IDIOTS! This is Fan Fiction... it's your story.. you write whatever your mind conjures and that's what fan fiction is all about! The OOC-ness and OTT Canon! That's what we should want in our fan fiction because we know it'll never happen in the real series!

Ignore them.. Your a beautiful writer and this is a beautiful story! Only on Chapter 5 but nevertheless! lol.

I look forward to a few nights restlessness from reading your story non-stop XD

Keep up the good work!
elvesdragon chapter 28 . 9/27/2010
a fiction of epic proportions, truly. in theme, in writing, in expression. you kept ichigo and byakuya in character, or as much in character as someone can get after 40 years. i have to say that, when reading the warnings at the beginning, i had some misgivings about reading. but the first few sentences made me reconsider.

it was beautifully "crafted" so to speak, even though sad.
animelover1993 chapter 29 . 9/26/2010
This is one of the few completed stories that really feels complete. It was beautifully constructed and it was a joy to read. I pulled an all nighter reading it. I laughed, i sat biting my finger in anticipation, my heart raced on the home stretch of the Kentucky Derby, i cried, i snarled, and enjoyed every last word of this fic.

You are an amazing writer, don't you dare let anyone else say other wise.

My time was well spent in reading this, thank you for posting it.

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