Reviews for Elementary Calculations
mizzrazz72 chapter 13 . 6/19/2021
Sirius should not have expected Harry to just drop his plans and go with him. Hermione is a leech for knowledge.
Guest chapter 6 . 6/18/2021
Albus is an idiot, git, prat, peic of sod, bugger, and an old barny codger - and that's respectful
scyfly chapter 13 . 5/19/2021
harry's behavior was a bit odd, he became a sociopath and one does not become one but is born as one, either way i dont really like sociopaths though your harry is still way better then most.

it was a really interesting story a little on the slow side with a lot of povs that, well dont matter all that much. real shame you stopped writing this
sanders1800 chapter 13 . 5/5/2021
love this story, too bad it's abandoned.
y.w2027 chapter 13 . 4/11/2021
I absolutely loved this book, I actually am kinda disappointed that it was never truly finished, but I enjoyed what was written nonetheless. Thank you for not taking it down.
Bmon11 chapter 13 . 2/26/2021
It's a good story, the idea is also really good. it's a pity that it seems to be abandoned
love4HP chapter 13 . 2/5/2021
It's a good story. You should have finished it.
love4HP chapter 4 . 2/4/2021
I wish Harry does not forego his normal muggle education completely for magic school.
Maddie86 chapter 13 . 1/7/2021
So so good! I love this Harry! The dialogue is great! _
Ptolemyspyjamas chapter 13 . 12/3/2020
A relatively well written story in 2020 so I guess this was probably a masterpiece in 2008. Enjoyed reading it and thank you for writing it and not taking it down.
Guest chapter 6 . 11/17/2020
If he does nothing to him then this is a trash trash trash fic but if he does something to him then I think I will enjoy this fic
Guest chapter 8 . 11/8/2020
Yep this is a 0/5 fanfic lol fuck this fanfic sucks
Guest chapter 7 . 11/8/2020
Lol yep this is officially a shit fic with the beta Harry lol shit fic hope you never write again
Guest chapter 6 . 11/8/2020
If Harry does nothing to Dumbledore then you should never write ever again because you are one of the worst to ever do it Lol fucking trash fic
Guest chapter 3 . 11/8/2020
My god when does the actual story start? This is just a prologue but it’s lasted 3 chapters lol shit author
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