Reviews for Well Roared, Lion
Eva chapter 15 . 12/18/2024
I don’t get the story point ?
sleepinglionzz32 chapter 17 . 11/25/2024
i need this on ao3
Nastya Loktionova chapter 10 . 1/23/2023
Какой же он змей )) скользкий
Nastya Loktionova chapter 9 . 1/23/2023
Хочу любовь в конце этой истории))
Nastya Loktionova chapter 8 . 1/23/2023
Это была по истине веселая глава! Я прониклась вашим ститем письма и. Всей историей! Очень хорошо написано, с юмором! Спасибо!
Nastya Loktionova chapter 6 . 1/23/2023
Жалко вы не дописали работу и пропали с сайта(
Nastya Loktionova chapter 5 . 1/23/2023
Уже прочла 5 глав. Достаточно интересно!
SaraCastellsDay chapter 25 . 1/5/2022
please continue it’s such a good story, i can’t decide whether i would prefer hermione to end up with draco or tom, i am excited to find out!
MissMrdel chapter 5 . 11/27/2021
I love the Cygnus and Abraxas banter in here. existing forever at each others throats
The Pontiac Bandit chapter 25 . 10/16/2021
I'm confused. I'm intrigued. And I'm desperate for more. This was delightful and extra kudos to you for having written such a wonderful story
amk41196 chapter 25 . 10/11/2021
Please update
iminadaze chapter 25 . 10/10/2021
i know it’s been a while since you’ve updated, but i hope you come back anytime you can to share your thoughts on how you would’ve ended this story, it’s just so brilliant! never read anything like it. i really don’t know who you would pair hermione with at the end. at first i though it would be with draco because tom/voldy is dead and i thought there was something between them, but it might just be my dramione brain lol. now that she’s messed with the timeline somehow idk how that would affect tom, and he’s acting very possessive. thank you for sharing this story. hoping you’ll come back
iminadaze chapter 24 . 10/10/2021
stopppp draco likes her? i know this is a tomione but my dramione heart can’t take it if they don’t end up together lol. i’m feeling so many mixed feelings
iminadaze chapter 5 . 10/9/2021
i really like how draco doesn’t like potty, weasel and weaslette because of how they’re treating hermione. idk if this is a tomione fic all the way, but i’m hoping that it’s a dramione ending when she comes back to her time
MissTrixxie chapter 25 . 8/10/2021
It’s sad, this story hasn’t been updated for years. I loved the story. I just wish it was completed.
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