Reviews for A New Chance Continued
Guest chapter 16 . 3/26/2023
So wish you had finished this unique tale.
Jan chapter 5 . 1/27/2023
He got his ribs broken and says he isn't hurt. Idiot
mumphie chapter 16 . 1/7/2023
I love your story. To have a different take on the go-back-in-time stories is really something! I so want to know WHO kept Harry at the Dursleys and memory charmed the police. I'd like to see the relationship with Luna develop. I want to know if Hermione ever gets the stick out...
Will Harry actually warm up and make more friends? Will he be able to defeat ole Morty and save more people? Were you thinking of giving him a Happy-ever-after? What career would he decide on...warding...enchanting...etc.? Will he be friends with Sirius and Remus? Will he get the Map? Will he defeat the serpent in the Chamber? Will he be bitten and survive so that he can get the better Parselmagic?
I think it is a great time for a reunion for you and your mojo/muse! It's nearly been a decade since your last posting for this story. ;) Perhaps you could at least say where you wanted to go with this story. [fingers crossed] I'd love to see more. It's really great. There is so much more to this story. Please consider getting back to it! I love it. :)
mumphie chapter 7 . 1/6/2023
Good story so far! - Was wondering WHY Harry has a connection with ole Morty if his scar is like any other scar. When you wrote that, I thought that meant that the horcrux/soul leach was gone. If gone, then why the connection?
Slowest Turtle chapter 2 . 12/8/2022
Ah I get it. You made your original timeline Harry an overpowered deadly warrior who can literally take on a dark lord but made him so emotionally retarded that he basically acts like a bloody pillock 100% of the time and never realizes. Gotcha. Maybe autistic-runic-savant would be a good title for our hero? He certainly doesn't seem to understand how anything in the world works aside from runes despite being a 20 year old who's lived through a war.
Slowest Turtle chapter 1 . 12/8/2022
That Harry just lets himself get beat nearly to death by his uncle is fucking ridiculous. Trash tier.
Chris chapter 16 . 12/4/2022
Loved your story!

Thank you .

Daelienda chapter 4 . 11/28/2022
Hmm where is Quirrel?
Kuman chapter 1 . 9/30/2022
Interesting premise destroyed by walls of text about stuff irrelevant to the plot and ultimately could have been mentioned sparsely throughout the story
Ellie J chapter 16 . 8/24/2022
This story is wonderful, it's such a shame you never finished it. I really enjoyed reading this.
suraj chapter 2 . 7/22/2022
ancient runes arithmacy combination of ravenclaw and slytherin few gryffindors and hufflepuffs
Guest chapter 16 . 6/17/2022
good story
kent-jensen chapter 16 . 5/15/2022
ImperialChaos24 chapter 1 . 3/26/2022
not daughters of zeus but daughters of the primordial of fate
LessaOfPern chapter 16 . 2/8/2022
This story is really, really good. It's a shame you never finished it.
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