Reviews for Don't Take Me Alive
Guest chapter 1 . 7/21/2017
Nooo! This is too good! To heartbreaking!
Shebali chapter 1 . 6/23/2015
So I've read this story bunch of times and I give up. I don't really plan to fav it, sorry, but I kinda feel like I must at this point. So.
helenaphant chapter 1 . 9/24/2013
I think I'm in love with you.
I mean, it is just so hard to find a oneshot that just FLOWS from the beginning to the end, I love how you gave such complex reasonings for all the different answers Itachi gives out, and the way you describes why seems like it just flowed from Itachi's mind onto paper.
Definitely will be rereading this, thanks for the upload!
del2123232231231 chapter 1 . 7/22/2013
This look into Itachi's psyche rings so true. It's an amazing character study.
A Midsummer chapter 1 . 5/6/2013
Mindfuck. I guess either way, no one really knew why. Rather, no one wanted to know. All of them are satisfied with their own truth and beliefs to try. Why did you do it?

He did it for peace, his village and Sasuke. He wanted to avoid War. He did it for his ideals and what he thought was right. His Clan didn't do a thing to make them redeemable to his eyes, even his parents. He wanted to be the ideal ninja who protects the village from the shadows. He wanted to grant his best friend's last wish. He didn't see another alternative and so he killed them all. He fulfilled all their unjustifiable expectations to him, right? Too bad he turned on them instead. He cleansed the accursed Clan with blood. He couldn't take it anymore, having to choose his kin or the village. They didn't give him a choice, cornered him with his bound loyalty and the greater good. This is why he wants to die.
a spark in the embers chapter 1 . 1/28/2012
Truely introspective. I would say this is semi psychological, and delves into the main focus of Itachi's character. I like this.
bhishmapitamah chapter 1 . 1/18/2012
itachi, sasuke and what comes to the mind. there are noises that creep out from the table when i type, and a finger that aches, though i forget what hurt it in the first place. oh and yes, the story is nice.
Flayne chapter 1 . 12/12/2011
They resemble a family now, don't they.
talanai rialric chapter 1 . 8/4/2011
wow. you really understand the complexity ofitachi as a character. far too often he is cast as a conniving and heartless being and i like how you analyzed him and the many reasins for his actions. i really liked this.
WitchOfTheWilds chapter 1 . 3/18/2011
Interesting style, you write very well. Just goes to show that people can't just be labeled and sorted so easily.
TillyMe chapter 1 . 2/21/2011
This is so awesome!

random alias chapter 1 . 11/9/2010
it really fits how he wants sasuke to be the one to end it for him, because he loves his little brother the most and he will finally give itachi the gift of rest after waiting so long. this is a very appealing view of itachi, and i wish that more fan fictions had this depth of feeling especially with such little writing, i love it great job :)
aBardsHeiress chapter 1 . 2/25/2010
Just like you to know that this is probably one of my favorite oneshots of all time. Also, every time I hear/read/say/think the word "Whoops" I think of the "just took his work home with him one day" line. VERY effective.
fanofthisfiction chapter 1 . 12/30/2009
I must admit, your different take on writing is unique and has a depth that makes it alluring. I like the inner discussion of Itachi. You take us through the mind of this killer, this heir, this elite shinobi, who has done the unthinkable and needs to explain it even to himself what others will think, what he thinks, and what needs to be. This third person narrative works very well. A year or so ago, I was a chibi shadow reader as someone called me but I came back to seeing what you had written again. I may even try reading "Still Waters Run Deep." The intense thought that goes into each passage is mind boggling. You can really get into the characters mind and that is what makes your work shine. Thanks for sharing.
mangachick1 chapter 1 . 12/2/2009
Well done for the story!
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