Reviews for In Nine Days
SAKURAAAA chapter 1 . 7/3/2014
Guest chapter 18 . 6/27/2014
Im so worn out after reading that tbvh hahahaha toooooo many emotions (3 AM but im so hyped after that and now i cant sleep)

Guest chapter 11 . 6/26/2014
Chapter 10 legit made me fucking bawl omg who are you and why were you given so much power :( (but no forreal you are amazing thank you so much for writing this)
Please send me messages chapter 2 . 4/21/2014
The battle was so smart. chapter 1 . 4/17/2014
I search for your fic over and over again since I forgot the name . , this fic is absolutely amazing, thank you for creating this, you have brightening my day :D, I have read this a long time ago and now over again hehe
Trisha chapter 18 . 3/23/2014
This fanfic was really good, and the last chapter was, in my opinion, the best chapter. And oh my god, I loved the ending when Naruto was, like, yelling totally hilarious stuff
rui chan chapter 1 . 12/24/2013
really. like. this. i wonder if you want to make it in indonesian version. i want to help you anyway. really such a best sasusaku stories i've ever read in my life
you can give pm to my account. just look for garnet
rayluva4 chapter 18 . 12/19/2013
This story was one of the best Sakura/Sasuke stories I have ever read. Seriously amazing.

I have been searching for a good one to read for some time now and I am so glad I stumbled upon yours. Truly a great job.

Your writing is so unique and I absolutely fell in love with your style. I enjoyed being able to read the feelings of each character - it made them seem so real. Your story had great romance, drama, passion, and I loved the humor you put into it! It really did have everything I could ask for in a great story. The plot was very creative and kept me interested; I loved the way that it built throughout the chapters. I have found that most stories that have creative plots don't last very long and end quickly, but yours continued consistently through 18 chapters.

You showed great talent in keeping each character true to their personality. This story was so believable I feel like it should be made into an actual episode (or 18)!

Anyway, I will stop ranting now, I am sure you get the gist of what I am trying to say :)

Again, you did an amazing job and I am sad to see this story finally come to an end.

Thanks for the great read,

Guest chapter 18 . 12/16/2013
HinatasHelper chapter 18 . 12/13/2013
One of the best stories I have ever read and I've read loooooads of stories before. There was nothing wrong with this at all. The gradual feelings that developed were real and believeable I loved the denial of feelings and just how HUMAN you made them all out to be. If this shit were a movie I'd have like 3 copies BRAVO I intend to read any other work from you because this was amazing!
Des-C-Kudi chapter 18 . 11/27/2013
Waahh soo amazing! Such a nice story!
zunaira ghazal chapter 18 . 10/31/2013
yes, i've read it for the nth tie now and it still gives me the warm fuzzie's. i absolutely adore how you incorporated the characters personalities without going overboard and how despite being incredibly lusty and hawt Sasuke was still Sasuke; stupid, irrational, prideful, slightly thick headed and a real softie right where it matters. and Sakura was Sakura; self righteous and ever trying to protect her heart.
oh and your descriptions? they take my breath away every time. its like, i can *feel* everything along with them! :) i hope you write a novel someday. i'd defs buy it!
NuraHikari chapter 18 . 10/9/2013
LOVE love Love this Story.
NuraHikari chapter 3 . 10/8/2013
This is so good. I loving it already :)
divenire chapter 18 . 9/22/2013
I don't know why but this story made me feel really awkward. Maybe because Sakura seems weak. Like she's obviously letting her heart break for a stupid bet, which just makes her come off as really immature. Maybe because there's not a single time in this story where Sasuke is loveable in any sense - he's just a really, really hot asshole. Maybe it's because there never was a real climax in their emotional relationship - I still don't get why Sakura loves him so much, or what made Sasuke suddenly care for her - I mean, didn't he overtly say that they were never friends in the first place? But then she takes him to his parents' graveyard, stuff happens, it gets blown up, and he hates her again, but a few hours later, he becomes her friend? I just don't really understand the emotional progression of everything. I think you had a great idea - ingenious, really, but it wasn't well-executed. I would have loved to see a lot more introspective development happen, particularly from Sasuke's perspective. But it just seems like he thinks that she's hot and suddenly loves her. I don't know. I'm still trying to figure out what it is about this fic that makes me really uneasy.
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