Reviews for A Life Stolen |
Hidingsorealpeoplecantfindouta chapter 3 . 5/11/2008 I kinda suspected that would happen but it was still very very sad... |
Cristygen chapter 3 . 5/11/2008 Aw. Somehow I knew this was going to happen but it's didn't make me cry any less. I just hope they can get through this! Can't wait for more! |
TheWorldGoesRound chapter 3 . 5/11/2008 YOU MADE ME CRY! dang it if you weren't such a fantastic writer this wouldn't have happened! i feel awful poor bella poor edward poor alice poor renee poor EVERY BODY! espically the baby that should have been born! please UPDATE ASAP! |
kosocielo chapter 3 . 5/11/2008 This is a very very very very sad chapter. I don't know how someone can write something so emocional. You must be a great writer in order to write something like this. Please update soon. I want to know how bella n edward progressess with the lost of their olivia but mostly bella. |
psychodancechick89 chapter 3 . 5/11/2008 God, that was even more heart wrenching than I was expecting. I mean, I knew it was gonna be bad, but man, that got me worse than I thought it would. Poor Bella and Edward, I hope they can make it through this. |
Enthralled chapter 3 . 5/11/2008 OMC...that was heart-renching! And now, there's a rift between Bella & her mother. I can see that this isn't going to be good...but, I anxiously await your next chapter. |
CarolineB chapter 3 . 5/11/2008 This breaks my heart. I'm unable to conceive naturally and I know how Bella feels - like less of a woman even though it is not her fault. Having babies is what our bodies were designed for and when you can't even do that right it changes who you are. Couples can grow apart or together from tragedy - PLEASE let them be the second. |
SisterGrimmErin chapter 3 . 5/11/2008 OMC... i have no words... *tear* please update! |
Edward Lives chapter 2 . 5/11/2008 YaY! The sequel! I love this! Every word is so romantic and since I tend to do a lot of vicarious living, I'm all for the steam! LOL |
HermioneRon 4ever chapter 2 . 5/11/2008 YAY! Awesome! i love it! This was a good first chapter! Update soon, please! |
TheWorldGoesRound chapter 2 . 5/11/2008 i am estatic that you FINALLY updated you are a fantastic writer! thanks so much i really thought that this chapter was sweet and amazing! UPDATE ASAP! i LOVE this story! |
paramorebrighter chapter 2 . 5/11/2008 This is such a sweet chapter, but I have a feeling of foreboding! Is something terrible going to happen? BTW, if you are talking about JxA being JacobxAngela, you have me at hello! They are my favorite non-canon couple! |
ObsessingOverEdward chapter 2 . 5/11/2008 YAY! A sequel to one of my favorite Twilight stories! I can't wait to see what you have in story for our favorite characters! |
SisterGrimmErin chapter 2 . 5/11/2008 i love this story, and am so glad you're writing a sequel! oh, poor jasper... i can't wait til he's all tired out... may i? Jasper: Alice, honey, that was the fifth time tonight. Alice: You want a baby, right? Well the chart shows I'm ovulating this day, and it's imperative that I get as much as possible tonight- Jasper: *snore* Alice: Wake up! *shakes him* Aww man... well maybe if I... no way, that'd be wrong! Or would it? Jasper: *sleep talking* Don't even think about it, Alice. Alice: Darn. Sorry, that was probably too much... it just popped into my head. I love ALL aspects of this story. |
JennCullen87 chapter 2 . 5/11/2008 I am so excited.I love A hearts savior and can wait to continue to read this sequel!Update soon! |