Reviews for A Life Stolen
Just-Lynn-10310 chapter 2 . 5/11/2008
D'AW. i like it, but im still trying to figure out whats gonna happen...
jacob is the new black chapter 2 . 5/11/2008

Update soon, please and thank you.
Blush at Twilight chapter 2 . 5/11/2008
I'm so glad to see you're back! I loved A Heart's Savior and I'm so glad to see it continue. There's nothing like a hot, sweet Edward taking care of sweet Bella. This chapter was so sweet...

Can't wait for the next!
Girlz-Rule chapter 2 . 5/11/2008
great start, can't wait to find out the 'tragedy'. update soon:D
Lady Skye 1992 chapter 2 . 5/11/2008
That was a really good beginning to this sequal. I liked it and can't wait til the next chapter! update soon please!
Michelle62092 chapter 2 . 5/11/2008
please update soon!:D
MeganRachel09 chapter 2 . 5/11/2008
okay so i read a heart's savior and i loved it. and i JUST found this and... guess what? IM LOVING IT! ahhaha update soon!
CHEEKYCHIN chapter 2 . 5/11/2008
Keep writing.

amazing as always, though cannot help but be worried as to what tragedy shall take place :)
ThisIsRealThisIsMe chapter 2 . 5/11/2008
oh yayz a sequel! this is awesome so far! update soon!
Wellice chapter 2 . 5/11/2008
Is some one going to steal their baby? Cos that would just be crazy.

Can't wait to read more of this. Good luck with the writing. ] x
BeautyIsn'tSkinDeep chapter 2 . 5/11/2008
aw they're so adorable! :D
Hidingsorealpeoplecantfindouta chapter 2 . 5/11/2008
Aw...very cute! Great Job!
lia516 chapter 2 . 5/11/2008
I'm so glad you're continuing this story. Edward as a dad is too cute. I'm glad they're not finding out the sex, I didn't know for my first two and it makes the whole dreaded delivery so much more exciting. Emmett's too funny about the whole sex during and after pregnancy. I think my husband would agree with him. Except the fact that we were trying to get labor going so we did it right to the end ;)
steffi32692 chapter 2 . 5/11/2008
Wonderful as per was so adorable and i loved your Edwards pov, but i cant help feel a little bit queasy after reading the title and the your summary you say:"Can they survive the tragedy" as in Edward and Bella, so that leaves the baby...:(...i hope thats not im really scared!
xAlcottx chapter 2 . 5/11/2008
I'm so excited to see another story! Great start so far!
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