Reviews for A World Without Sound
Nrbl1 chapter 22 . 5/21/2013
I've really enjoyed your story, but since you have decided against the sequel maybe you should think if adding an extra chapter or two to really complete it...

Or go back to your a/n and delete any mention of the sequel. Since your story is now being recommended by others, you'll be getting new readers and such...
TheLandslide chapter 1 . 5/20/2013
This story is amazing!
Midnight 5899 chapter 1 . 5/16/2013
twiclare chapter 22 . 5/16/2013
Thank goodness, I was worried for a while there. Loved this story, thanks.
twiclare chapter 21 . 5/16/2013
He's right, that was messed up, just the thought of someone telling their family one day that they are expecting a baby one day and then the next telling them they're not going to keep it! You just can't make decisions like that so quickly and I really do believe that their relationship would have suffered if they had aborted the child if they didn't both fully think it was the right thing to do.
twiclare chapter 20 . 5/16/2013
Oh dear, that's sad, they can't decide this so quickly.
twiclare chapter 19 . 5/15/2013
I'm guessing Edward is concerned that the baby will be deaf, that he will pass it on to his child. This is so hard for Bella, I think she's feeling really hurt and unsettled by Edwards reaction.
twiclare chapter 18 . 5/15/2013
Well he took his time didn't he! That's a relief! I'm guessing that wasn't the reactions she was hoping for to 'I'm pregnant'.
twiclare chapter 16 . 5/15/2013
I thought she might be pregnant! Hurry up and wake up Edward !
twiclare chapter 15 . 5/15/2013
I'm so glad I don't have to wait for an update now!
twiclare chapter 14 . 5/15/2013
I must admit I was a bit shocked by what he said to her in their fight, and surprised he didn't make an effort to apologise straight away. The proposal was beautiful; words from Edward mean so much.
twiclare chapter 12 . 5/15/2013
That was so perfect, intimate, passionate and loving. Loved their trip to Paris as kids!
twiclare chapter 11 . 5/15/2013
You've got me all weepy...and that's not easy you know, I'm a tough cookie! I don't think a whispered I love you has ever been quite so meaningful!
twiclare chapter 10 . 5/15/2013
I loved Charlie too, his conversation with Edward was great, he knows how much Edward loves her.
twiclare chapter 9 . 5/15/2013
So now she knows what all the groans were about when she was working out!
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