Reviews for Only Human
EndlessGloaming chapter 27 . 5/25/2024
This is such a masterpiece. Seriously, one of my all time favorite fics.
EndlessGloaming chapter 19 . 5/25/2024
The striking of the flu is so visceral, maybe especially post-2020. I love how this is tying together, with Bella being the one to bring Edward to where he'll need to be to get changed.
EndlessGloaming chapter 4 . 5/24/2024
I was wondering what happened in the present timeline, so I'm excited this chapter is here.
CynMar Rom chapter 28 . 5/22/2023
This was so sweet.
I avoided it for a while for the angst part, but it wasn't so bad.
It was beautiful!
Thanks for sharing!
PurpleRain27 chapter 27 . 5/16/2023
Fantastic! I loved this story.

Thank you for sharing.
ugh chapter 1 . 3/24/2023
i had heard so many good things about this story, and i just finished “Beyond Time” so i was in the mood for another time travel twilight fic.

not my cup of tea. it’s so… awkward and clunky. oh well.
truthrowan chapter 28 . 1/27/2023
I just found and binged this story, nearly 13 years after you finished it. It is very well-written and entertaining. I hope you are well and still writing.
Juxtaposition001 chapter 25 . 11/17/2022
So we aren't going to warn Carlisle that Edward can read minds? Okay. Cool. Keep him on his toes lol
Beautifully written story
Senorfrogs chapter 27 . 3/2/2022
Sooo good!
flanduslover1 chapter 27 . 12/29/2021
this was beautiful written I once read. jasper/bella one where she went back in time but this one I mean wow Edward seeing all that was going on.. them both worrying about what will happen...the memories she gave him.. the fact that Elizabeth had known somehow.. it actually made some of Edward story make since.. like why he was in Chicago during the Pandemic.. the little things you told a story for I love it definitely will be in my reread file
Guest chapter 1 . 12/8/2021
OMGGGG! so excited to start this new fic!
abaker9 chapter 27 . 10/20/2021
I've put off reading this story for a long because of the himan angle. I'm so glad i finally did it. I've really enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing!
Lyndseyxx chapter 27 . 9/29/2021
I really enjoyed this unique story, thanks so much for sharing!
scottstotsgrad chapter 6 . 9/12/2021
This is one of my favourite stories I have ever read on here. So well written and true. The reference to the meadow scene to finish off the chapter was too good.
Alex Maria1 chapter 1 . 7/27/2021
Absolutely my favourite twilight related story! Incredibly amazing writing, amazing characters and ideas! Your story is one of the reasons why I adore fanfiction! Best wishes and regards! ️
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