Reviews for The Things You Say
NiS-SaN s chapter 1 . 6/6/2022
Where's the second part? Plsssssssssss don't let this be the end!
SunnyDe chapter 1 . 4/23/2016
One of my favorite fanfics of all time. So excellent!
ShitCook chapter 1 . 1/23/2016
Please don't let this be the end of this! This was a great story and it would be sad if it really was the end. It's such a good story.
siberianRS chapter 1 . 11/1/2015
Kindly excuse me, I need to clean my tears and nosebleed off the floor...
lynewt chapter 1 . 8/17/2015
Wow. That was beautifully done and genuinely heart wrenching.
13ReinaMidnight13 chapter 1 . 10/15/2014
Loved it!
FFFG chapter 1 . 1/8/2014
Okay, I just tried three times to type a review but all I got was keyboard slams. So fricking amazing. Not just the smut (which was admittedly freaking awesome) but everything. You had them in some illicit affair which ended abruptly with such an awful, horrifying twist. Gah! I just want to brain Sanji sometimes! He needs to get off his high horse and admit to himself (and Zoro) what he feels, what he wants and go for it. Seriously, of all the... okay calming down. NOT! GAH! Amazing piece, stupid Sanji but amazing piece. I love it! KTN
winegoldsayuri chapter 1 . 8/23/2013
Wonderful story and writing style. You're really a good writer. The characters were also nicely kept IC and I especially liked the end. Taking up the recurrent theme of things you do and don't do while drunk and letting Sanji see the moral of it all gives the story a very well-rounded end. (And I also have to admit the lemon scene was really unique and well done in its description. I rarely see such elaborate and good lemons.)
All in all: great story!
cellie-zosan chapter 1 . 7/2/2012
woow! this was amazing...
ooihcnoiwlerh chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
Goodness, this is excellent. I don't have much that I can really say that you have not already heard, but I like that there is no happy ending, no fluff or misplaced optimism in their relationship.
Pandamega chapter 1 . 6/2/2012
My heart.. My feelss... Just... Just takeee theemmmmmmmm TTATT

WHY DID YOU HAVE TO END IT LIKE THHHAAAATTTTT... ahh, I need a part two, f-f-fix them, put them back togethhheerrrrrrrrr!

Ahhh, this was a really great read, so much passion, I love the execution on this idea. Great fic
HekkuShun chapter 1 . 4/20/2012
so its a sad ending?
pureink chapter 1 . 9/13/2011
Wow. This is just, made of win. Their internal struggle is agonizing and their last night just blew me away. It's passionate without being too vulgar. They both knew it's dangerous from the beginning but they tried to prolong it as long as possible.

I like the ending, as much as I like happy endings there's just something beautiful with painful endings.
holic chapter 1 . 9/7/2011
Gaaaah why would you do this to me! So I know this story is like three years old but I just came across it so it's fresh to me, and let me tell you it was fabulous. Gratuitous sex scenes aside (so like the whole thing xD) the ending stung like a bitch. Because of course for the sake of their crew they would end things once they started getting emotionally involved (or at least acknowledging their emotional attachment). When it gets to the point that you can't lie to yourself anymore you have to make a decision and I'm sure they knew all along what that decision would have to be, so they put it off. But still, that's so mean, is there really any good reason why two members of the Strawhats couldn't be in a relationship? ;-; So while the ending was incredibly painful (not to mention insightful as well as poetic) I really enjoyed this story. I just wish they could have lived happily ever after. Well maybe they'll work it out, I can always hope. ) Please continue to write amazing ZoSan in the future, you're extremely talented in evoking reader emotion, which I would posit is the whole point of writing anything like this. Thanks! 333
eternal-anime chapter 1 . 8/24/2011
wow! there should be a sequel to this, but serioulsy i love the ending it kind of contradicted with the first scentence! i think it is genious! thank you thank you thank you!
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