Reviews for Into the Storm
Majestic-MSFC chapter 24 . 7/5/2022
Amazing work, very enjoyable read. Looking forward to reading the conclusion.
bubblekam chapter 24 . 3/19/2022
Having read over a thousand of fanfics across the past 9 years, I can say without a doubt that this trilogy is one of the best I have ever read. An absolute rollercoaster of a story that compelled me to read 721k words in 2 days. Thank you for sharing this tale.
TheReader321 chapter 9 . 11/22/2021
Such a great chapter. Heartbreaking stuff for Leia— and such fun to read Han and Luke’s banter!
Sommerlund chapter 1 . 11/4/2021
Reading this for the 4th time. This is a great work of art.
Scribonius4 chapter 24 . 10/28/2021
Simply Perfection. And that finale... beautiful.

Palpatine sure has a way with words.
Kittona chapter 3 . 6/9/2021
I love the method Luke used for proving the existence of the force lol
Alex chapter 24 . 3/15/2021
Legandary story
FireAlder2005 chapter 24 . 3/12/2021
This. Was. Amazing! I couldn't stop reading it. I binge-read it in three days. Three school days, to be precise! Part 2, HERE I COME!
ElsaDarling3 chapter 17 . 9/3/2020
You have no idea how many times I had to stop reading, because reading luke like that was so painful - but I kept coming back. (It also helped I started with the third fanfic in the trilogy, otherwise I'd be too despondent to continue reading.) I cannot repeat enough times how much I love this story.
elphien0w chapter 24 . 8/4/2020
fantastic! and the book 2 seems even better!
Kay Hau chapter 24 . 6/13/2020
Whoa! Amazing first part to the series! Your attention to detail, especially in your fight scenes, is absolutely astounding! I don’t think I’ve ever read anything nearly so elaborate in fanfiction! And kudos to giving Luke a realistic fall - this is our golden boy and beautiful, bright-eyed perfect hero. If he’s gonna fall, it’s gonna take a LOT, not just one conversation gone wrong or even a betrayal from a friend. Weeks, months, of plotting and torture and brainwashing and losing everything and everyone, which you did an amazing job of depicting! Fascinating story on a deep, psychological level. Great job and moving on to part two!
Kitty Burglar chapter 24 . 5/23/2020
Very well-written!
sithporgonline chapter 24 . 4/8/2020
This... is... amazing.
Kagami420 chapter 24 . 2/24/2020
Great story
MJ Mink chapter 10 . 2/6/2020
I’m out of breath after this chapter. Vader and Luke... they both are devastated. Beautifully written.
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