Reviews for Into the Storm
Aishata chapter 24 . 12/25/2019
That was a fucking good story. Holy shit.
EtheriousQueen777 chapter 1 . 12/21/2019
A gloriously beautiful descent to darkness. So slow and subtle, yet amazing in every way, very well done!
Cletus chapter 24 . 12/6/2019
The most terrifying and manipulative Palpatine I’ve ever seen. Psychological torture and mind games galore. I didn’t think I would enjoy this as much as I did empire’s son, but I’m glad I’ve been proven wrong.
Guest chapter 24 . 6/3/2019
Wow. Massive and amazing work. Characterization was really well done. I will start the next one right away.
SpellCleaver chapter 24 . 3/9/2019
This fic left me breathless. I love your writing style, how brilliantly you write all the characters, Luke's slow descent... Palpatine's manipulations were FANTASTIC to read, and I've spent the last chapter on the edge of my seat begging Luke not to kill Vader. This was so realistic, and just— ugh I love it. I expect I'll be rereading A LOT in the future :)

Thank you so much for writing, and I can't wait to see whatever you wrote for the sequel!
CharlemagneFF chapter 24 . 2/14/2019
To anyone else who was bothered by the misuse of the word "impeachable" throughout this story and its successors, you can rest easy knowing that the author has been PM'd on the matter. Either (s)he'll fix it or (s)he won't.
Guest chapter 24 . 1/1/2019
I just discovered this fic and binged the entire second half in one day. I love it and I hate it and I want to go curl in a corner and cry! I've been starving for this fic for years, cannot wait to read the rest of the trilogy! Thank you!
Right What Is Wrong chapter 24 . 11/6/2018
Best SW fic ever. Bookmarking.
Zigzeegee chapter 1 . 10/17/2018
Read this last year. Been searching and reading high and low for another great fanfic... noting competes so looks like I’ve found myself coming in for a second sitting of this fabulous story!
SLotH4 chapter 24 . 10/16/2018
Good golly, Miss Molly. That was fantastic. Binged the whole thing in a couple days. You really captured just how terrifying a hyper manipulative Palpatine can be. Bravo.
bg4 chapter 9 . 5/4/2018
I can't stomach this doublethink about the death star's destruction. You don't even have the rebels address the issue, which is how you avoid the very idea disappearing in a puff of logic. Did he do it or was it another guy with the same name? And how come it's even a question? This all happened 2-3 years ago, in fresh living memory, so it's obvious to many that it's the same guy. Why would a hypothetical spy, already quite trusted, destroy this hillariously expensive imperial asset? The rebellion would have ended right there if he hadn't done it. And why wouldn't Palpatine, who is a schemer, not have some other reason for painting Luke as a spy? Why doesn't a skilled politician like Leia even consider that it's all theater? She thinks that her encounters, in the center of imperial power, are random?

Otherwise it's a good story, and I don't know if this element even ends up being very important, but right now it looks like a giant idiot ball.
Guest chapter 24 . 3/10/2018
Pretty excellent
storygirl58 chapter 24 . 6/7/2017
I have to say... this was just utterly amazing. I loved every moment and couldn't resist reading. It was impossible to put down! Well done! I was so nervous this would be another story I was invested in and wouldn't see the end of, but I'm so glad to see there's a continuation already! Awesome job!
Guest chapter 24 . 3/21/2017
Wow. This is easily the best piece of fan fiction I've read. Ever. It really is that good.
It reads like pro, organized and planned and planted with endless little nods, once you look back.
You have to be an author, right? This is your little folly, writing Star Wars fanfiction, isn't it?
I ask because I'm a pretty critical reader and I read a lot, But there isn't a plot, ploy or trick that you slipped on, here. I read this first book in 2 sittings, because you made it un put-downable. I have a terrible feeling the next book will steal my life in just the same way.

All the characters undergo major major changes, but so subtly as to be completely believable. It all makes a dark and horrific sense, with each action stemming from the last like a landslide.
Dark!Luke comes over particularly well. This is easily the most credible way I've ever read of his turning Sith: "Your compassion is your weakness".
And while we're on the subject, your Palpatine is outstanding. A lot of people have written that this is the best Sidious they've ever read, and they ain't kidding!
I also really like how all the characters stay in character, yet change completely. This story doesn't shy away from that. These are soul-crushing changes, and I guess they'll carry on through the entire run of stories.
I feel several days of un put-downable reading coming on!
All the descriptions and settings are just long enough to form a strong mental picture, but still short enough to hold attention, stay interesting and keep moving. All the chapters feel complete, with a beginning a middle and an end that feeds into the larger story arc, always.
The pace feels like pro literature. Not rushed, not dragging. It just makes the reader wants to keep reading.
The narrated rumours and ancient Jedi texts and visions and dreams all go towards giving this story a depth that feels so very canon-real and harkens back to the original trilogy and it's line, A long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away. It has that epic feel and sense of scale which gives it that canon feel.
I'm off now for another immersion into this universe you've created. I'd say I hope it holds, but you know what, I have faith!
Take me where you want.
HaywireEagle chapter 23 . 3/21/2017
The whole wolf, feral jedi, and the like is a little too terran and doesn't really fit the setting to be honest.
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