Reviews for Blood and Fire
zaniarein247 chapter 1 . 1/29
I recently had the pleasure of reading your comic, Blood and Fire
and I was really impressed by the storytelling, character development, and vibrant visuals. It’s clear a lot of creativity and passion went into it.

As a digital artist specializing in comic book art, I’d love to help bring your story into the digital realm. I specialize in transforming traditional comics into high-quality digital artwork, optimizing each panel for web publishing, digital prints, or interactive formats while preserving your original vision.

If you're interested in exploring a collaboration, feel free to reach out, and we can discuss how I can bring your comic to life in a digital format.

This work will be commission base

Looking forward to hearing from you! My discord : alimaggoon
Guest chapter 2 . 11/18/2019
Nice jb
cameron2027 chapter 5 . 8/19/2013
justjoe chapter 5 . 9/15/2011
What a great story. This has to be one of my top 10 stories.
Luke777 chapter 5 . 6/23/2011
Great story! It may not be one of the longest TSCC fanfics I've read so far, but it has a lot of soul.

I especially liked the last chapter, which came completely unexpected and irritated me at first, since it was quite a rupture. But then I really appreciated to read things from her point of view as some kind of autobiography.

Oh, and I think it was a good choice to skip the sex scene. And you've found quite a clever way to do so, by simply letting Cameron leave that part out ;)

On the other hand, I really loved how they were "sleeping together" the first night. Cameron's nervousness at first, and than her relaxation of just lying next to him, watching him sleep and think about live.

Good work!
Smierc chapter 5 . 5/31/2010
That was rather interesting, thank you.
TheSilentMan chapter 5 . 3/13/2010
One of the most enjoyable TSCC stories I've read.

I think that what I liked the most was the intensity.

That and the devotion and harsh reality depicted, with the hope and happiness John and Cameron gave each other.

A great read. Thanks.
Amaterasu-Black Flame chapter 5 . 6/19/2009
Great story please continue it.
MarshallOC9 chapter 5 . 5/9/2009
Great story i love the stories where they go into a full blown loving relationship the deeper the feelings the more i like it and this one was great. It doesn't say complete so im wondering if your going to write more of it i hope so.
Augustus Paladin Maximus chapter 5 . 10/16/2008
I really like your story. The idea of having John fight for what he believes and defending it at all costs. I too believe that John and Cameron's future are meant to intertwine. However, in all honesty, I did not like at all the words with which he defended his relationship to his mother and Derek. Sure, matricide is taboo as surely having a cyborg as a wife could be considered in the terminator universe. I understand John was angry and he might have spoken irrationally but maybe you could've had the same effect without the death threat. As for Sarah only taking care of him and her love for him only being a means to an end, well again I do not like that idea either. I hope that you continue to write more chapters as I would really like to see where you take John and Cameron with this story. Thank you for a great story.
meljoy chapter 5 . 10/14/2008
Wow, that was extremely different from all the other fics I've read so far. But i must say that i enjoyed it. Seeing the development of Future John was indeed captivating. It was finally good to see him with some backbone.
ArrowMk84 chapter 5 . 10/11/2008
Don't tell me this is the end! Please write more.
benjammindeth chapter 5 . 9/26/2008
Cameron's developed well. Please, write more!
OneWIshMakeItCount chapter 5 . 7/19/2008
this is a really good twist and i love it the story makes sence and fits i cant wait for the next chapter
ILuvLuckyandElizabeth chapter 5 . 7/17/2008
This Is A Really Good Story And Your Doing A Really Good Job With It And I Can't Wait 4 More
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