Reviews for Once Upon A Time, In Therapy
Leila chapter 10 . 9/17/2014
I LOVE Rob's music!
BellaEdward chapter 17 . 1/12/2014
cool and cute ending
BellaEdward chapter 6 . 1/11/2014
Bella and Jacob dont have to get into togheter bed time.
Godschildtweety chapter 18 . 12/21/2013
Great story
Guest chapter 19 . 7/30/2013
Guest chapter 6 . 7/29/2013
I like your story and your sense of plot and continuity.

You've got talent.

Why you felt the need to demolish Jacob who is arguably the most caring and giving character S. Meyer ever wrote I can't figure.

If this dehumanization of Jacob is not warranted story wise I am going to be seriously ticked.
Guest chapter 20 . 7/7/2013
This is a great story and your writing is awesome!
dbpbatm chapter 20 . 7/3/2013
Fun little read. Thank you for sharing it.
Twilighter368 chapter 6 . 6/30/2013
How old is Jacob supposed to be?
Lala chapter 18 . 4/13/2013
I enjoyed reading this story, especially the banters between Edward and Bella. PS love your music choices :)
violetsbroketherocks chapter 20 . 4/5/2013
this was a really awesome story :) very cute but still kinda sad. i love the silliness of the characters and the plot kept me on the edge of my seat. this deserves a lot more reviews.
winstonwolfe chapter 18 . 2/25/2013
I was so happy that this story was already completed, so there was no waiting for another great chapter. Really great story, I liked it very much!
miranda martinez chapter 20 . 12/8/2012
i ust want to let you know that i love your storiey

PS sorry if i spelled any thing wroung i'm to lazy to recheck.
PPSS. my name is MIRANDA and i screamed when i frist saw it in this.
Guest chapter 18 . 7/16/2012
I really enjoy your story. It was nice to read it and in the end I have laught alll the time. The part with the flowers I like best.
troll chapter 1 . 6/18/2012
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