Reviews for The Grass Is Always Greener
themadmartian chapter 8 . 9/1
This was a very interesting story, well done.
ruth hammond chapter 4 . 8/5
Love the Author's Note at the end and I agree with it.
ruth hammond chapter 8 . 7/22
As usual I have really enjoyed this story. I know there are more of your stories waiting to be read so I think that I will leave this story there and head on to the next stories and pick one to read tomorrow because the Dr's. office called this afternoon and made an appointment for an urgent sleep study tonight...ugh! Got to get most of tonight's pills in early...
on to the next story.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/20
Only dead Cuntvin is good cuntvin
Guest chapter 8 . 7/20
Hey Cuntvin, you retard shit, your storys suck
ruth hammond chapter 7 . 7/22
I feel sorry for Ginny, caught between the blood traitor label and the life with her mother pushing her dreams of Harry Potter as her husband and all the rest sceming to run her life without any care for her future...if I were there I think I would like to do some people in.
You set up a good story and I think you would probably like to do some of them in.
ruth hammond chapter 5 . 7/20
Well done, especially the last part with Neville, he needed needed the closure. You are doing a good job taking a big story and re- arranging it.
On to the next chapter...
mumphie chapter 7 . 7/19
Did a reread - I've always lied an intelligent, strong Harry. He and your Daphne make a good pair. Question, couldn't they have obliviated Snape? Perhaps given him amnesia and have him wake up in Timbuktu? Of course they'd have to have done something sooner...
Fun story!
ruth hammond chapter 3 . 7/19
[ RE YOUR AN AT THE START OF THIS STORY, it has too long ago that I read the books and I did not pick up on the switch of the different parts. I did pick up on some but was enjoying it so much that I just kept on reading. It's too far from when I did time tearing all my reading apart, now i just want to enjoy the reading, it really takes so much enjoyment out when you have to tear the writing apart.
ruth hammond chapter 2 . 7/19
HEHEHEHE1! THIS IS ONE FUN STORY;I have been really enjoying the story. I just looked back at this sentence and thought to me self that if one of my students had handed this in that I would had a fit. I used to make them not only to write but review others' works and even on occasion their own drove them nuts but they got to see what was good and even some of what they did wrong. [The great 'AH HAW MOMENT'.]
Araxan chapter 8 . 7/8
Thank you for the story. Please more of unusual pairings it gave it fresh feel.
csheila chapter 7 . 7/2
Scree Snape. The shame of Harry taking him prisoner proobably killed him
csheila chapter 6 . 7/2
Well done
csheila chapter 5 . 7/2
Honest reactions and a good use of money.

csheila chapter 4 . 7/2
Great plot and ending
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