Reviews for Dark Lord Rising
Vilkath chapter 5 . 7/21/2008
Interesting chapter, Dumbledoor really fudged this one. Not only did he take Hermonie against her wished, asleep, and against her parents wishes but didn't even bother Make sure Harry went to the task. Always got to wonder about that man, every other headmaster helped and coached their champion on, Dumbledoor does squat to help harry. Doesn't tell him about the dragons or anything.

I do wonder exactly how Harry ended up so late though, he had swiming lessons and practice this time, and wasn't that late before Dumbledoor called start. Fact he some how ended up slower in discovery then canon was wierd esepecialy since he did more with rescuing Gabriel.

I was really shocked to hear Mcgonagal say such words, usualy she reluctantly follows Dumbledoor but wow such racist remarks about how muggleborns have no rights is a blow. Still it make some sense, she is one the teachers who goes out every year to talk to new muggle born families like hermonie. Only a cruel and evil women could get their hopes up every year and get them adicted to magic without telling them dangers or prejudice they would face, or fact no real jobs exist for them in the magical world.

Fact she feels nothing for Hermonie's parents despite fact she was the one to talk Hermonie into going to their face! Not to mention she was supposed be one the top students and a favorite of Mcgonagal. Heck she doesn't even think it's wierd the students are put in life threatening danger year after year.. in 'the safest place in the world'.

I kind of do wonder what the fall out will be, beyond Rita's article in the prophit. Traditionaly Harry is all but powerless against dumbles, politicaly and magicaly plus the old man is not 'completely evil' so killing the bastard is usauly out as well. Frankly killing him is pretty much the only way ever be sure he is out of your hair as well, guy usualy can't even stay arrested in Azkaban even if he was standing over the minster's body with dozens of witness's seeing him cast the killing curse. Most authors get him off all time or escape. Jail won't work, public opinion and legal action won't work, running never seems to work, and ofcourse reasoning with the man never works, it always seems to come down to death with the old man but so few fics are up to the task of doing it.
pstibbons chapter 5 . 7/21/2008
It will be interesting to see how Rita spins this. She could even tell the truth and make a splash with the headlines. After all, isn't Dumbledore a bigger target than Harry Potter to bring down?
Lionheart chapter 4 . 7/20/2008
That was wonderful. Thank you very much for writing that little bit of wonder.

Rowling NEVER punished any of her villains! They all got off scot-free, and most fanfiction treats them the same, as if nothing they ever did really mattered.

It feels so good to see some of them get their own acts come back to haunt them!
Lionheart chapter 1 . 7/20/2008
I love this story. Thank you for posting it.
what are you even saying chapter 4 . 7/20/2008
Pretty strong update, I really liked Harry's revenge. Pity we didn't get to see Snape and Dumbledore.

Looking forward to more.
Guyver Unit 1 chapter 4 . 7/19/2008
Just finished reading all 16 chapters in one day and I must say this is very good. I sincerely hope you update again soon.
Henio41 chapter 4 . 7/18/2008
great job so far. plzz update soon.
librarywitch chapter 4 . 7/18/2008
Thanks for the nice long update. As usual, well done.
Lincos chapter 1 . 7/18/2008
Meh, this story is going alright but I can't tell you how many times I face-palmed in chapter 6. Then the bonding was just aweful and I nearly stopped reading there but I had nothing else to do so I carried on.

But can you tell me why this is called Dark Lord Rising? It all seems pretty lovey dovey, soulbound an all.

David305 chapter 1 . 7/18/2008
I'm enjoying your story and its variations on canon. You're hitting a number of buttons for JKR's ill-fitting aspects.

You do have a couple of lapses in logical order, though, where the Potterverse has a useful rationale that you've ignored:

1/ It's actually quite important to remember these two elements of the canon timeline:

a/ The welcoming feast always occurs on Sept. 1, and on this occasion (4th year), Dumbledore announces the Tournament instead of Quidditch. (Fred and/or George shouts, "You're joking!") Then, on the first morning of classes (most usually Sept 2), the heads of house hand out the schedules.

b/ The other two schools (Durmstrang and Beauxbatons) arrived on Friday, Oct. 30, at 6 o'clock (ch 15, GOF). That night at the feast, Dumbledore says, "Aspiring champions have twenty-four hours in which to put their names forward. Tomorrow night, Halloween, the goblet will return the names... ." (ch 16, GOF)

In keeping with most Halloweens being momentous for Harry in a bad way, his name comes out of the goblet fourth, on Halloween night.

BUT you have Harry trying to change his schedule some time after being chosen as a champion.

The problem you have is that Harry goes to McGonagall to change his schedule, and she says, "Time tables are set to be handed out at dinner tonight.” But what use are timetables on November 1? They wouldn't be getting their schedules after Halloween, right?

But if we attack it from the other end, let's say they have just arrived at Hogwarts, at the start of the school year; and say that McGonagall is handing out schedules because it's Sept 2, and the Goblet of Fire made its selection on their first night back, at the welcoming feast - then when did the other two schools arrive, and why wasn't 24 hours given for Hogwarts students to put their names in the goblet?

You've condensed the timeline so much that the sequence has become, if not impossible, then at least terminally improbable. If you rewrote this so that it's still two months into the school year, McGonagall is NOT just getting around to handing out schedules after Halloween, but is nevertheless willing to provide a dispensation and adjust Harry's schedule as requested (owing to the unfairness of his being forced to compete, perhaps), you'd be in accord with the logic of the timeline again.

Charlie says, “I came to talk with you about the dragon’s remains and to apologize for not being better prepared when the Horntail got loose and attacked you.”

Harry tells Remus, “Well, Charlie says that the Dragon Preserve is offering me the Horntail’s remains as an apology for not being better prepared to help me.”

When? Saying that he's come to talk about the remains, and offering them to Harry, are not the same thing. Harry might have known enough about dragon-keeping etiquette to assume that this was what Charlie meant (unlikely), but that still is not what Charlie said, though Harry said it was.

Otherwise, very good! Keep it up.


old-crow chapter 4 . 7/18/2008

Your story was recommended to me and I agree, it is the start of a great tale. You have enough dimensions to it to keep it very interesting as it moves along, without having it be too complex to follow.

I like the balance that you struck between narration and live action. The narration allows you to move the story along and the live action keeps it personal.

So the question remains, will an eyes wide open Harry and Hermione make the same moves as the tri-wizard tournament plays out, or will they recognize Crouch Jr for what he is?

Best wishes as you continue with your finr story.

AnnF chapter 1 . 7/18/2008
Things just are a little too perfect. First off, I think McG would object to Harry joining 2 new classes, midterm no less! With losing Divination and History, it would be better if Harry had to compromise on this front, or at least be questioned! With choosing to join the year below, that could signal a maturity that McG could approve of, but at very least she should have to talk to the teachers first!

You've jumped up the timeline for the RoR without an intro to the room. And I think you've overstated the account value of dentist drills, plus it rings awfully similar to more than a couple other fics. It needs some snags, and more dimension, Vernon gave in too easily.

There are good points, and scenes that weren't rushed, like Charlie talking to Harry in the tent are good. Please take more time with the scenes, to consider what the foes would do, and other motives.
missevilprincess chapter 4 . 7/17/2008
Oh! I love this. The Ginny and Neville, the way Dumbles is stupid, the bond, how they find out about Voldy, their revenge on the Dursleys. Just so wonderful.

Update soon!
Mason chapter 4 . 7/17/2008
It was pretty good. When is the plot going to present itself?

One problem: Polyethylene Glycol is Antifreeze and antifreeze kills it doesn't cause loose bowels.
major wallace chapter 4 . 7/17/2008
go on
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