Reviews for Dark Lord Rising
major wallace chapter 2 . 6/30/2008
go on
librarywitch chapter 2 . 6/30/2008
Thanks for an update. A nice long one too! You are doing a really good job on this. Please keep up the hard work.
tumshie chapter 2 . 6/30/2008
What an excellent story, I've read many Goblet of Fire remakes and I have to say this is one of the best. Thank you.
AlixMM chapter 2 . 6/30/2008
Nice chapter. I am glad the Grangers got things arranged for the summer and afterwards. They have good protection too. I hope their fireplace is connected to where Sirius and Remus are staying but is password protected. They should also check Harry's and Hermione's belongings for any tracking charms/spells and check Hedwig & Crookshacks too.

It is nice to see both Harry & Hermione are at leasting thinking about the bond and what effects it could or will have on things. It is also nice to see them becoming closer friends with Neville and Ginny. It was nice the Harry realized what was bothering Ginny. Neville was sweet too he may not totally understand but he doesn't really have to he just needs to be there for Ginny.

Albus is making me sick with his "hand not stained" crap. He may not have actually did the killing but he most likely ordered people to do what was needed which included killing. That makes him just as guilty or even more so since he gave the order while the people that did the killing were just following "orders". And besides unless the order came from when Albus was doing his duty for the Ministry what right did Albus have to give those kind of orders? And honestly what did Albus want Harry to do leave the dragon and get someone else to come back and kill it? The dragon was dying or would never recovered so Harry did a mercy killing. And now this spying by Hogwarts makes me sick if Harry turns dark it will be mainly because of Albus' actions when dealing with Harry. Besides if Albus had such a good spy network how come when in second year none of those paintings saw a giant snake in the halls? When the attacks started he could have done what he did now with the paintings. He is just a manipulative old goat.

Now that Harry has new guardians I think they should think about sending Hermione and Harry to a different school. I also think there should be a way to free Sirius... I dunno did Peter have a will? If he did was it activated? Peter isn't dead so his will would have become active has anyone asked the bank about Peter's will or if he had one? Just a thought

thx for the update I look forward to more should be intersting when Albus finds out that Harry isn't at the Dursleys anymore... LOL
Paws.on.scroll chapter 2 . 6/30/2008
You still are placing me on a rollercoaster ride of emotions that would put Grignotts carts to shame.

Ok, I also was wondering abit about Dobby's and Winky's speech in the previous chapters but was too intent on raving (and ranting) on the other things that happened. I find it rather cool that they're learning to speak more clearly.

Ok just so you know, when the Grangers were getting their information together on how to help Harry with the Dursely situation, when did Remus or Sirius contact them? There was a huge loophole concerning that part. I thought that it would possibly get mixed up in a conflict of interest with Remus and Sirius' plans in the Wizarding part. SPeaking of such, you never made clear about James and Lilly's will. I know it's usually 'assumed' by most readers to know that Harry was to go to Sirius first, then the Longbottoms...etc. Clarity on that would help.

Also thanks for the bit on Dumbledore's way of thinking. That he's willing to delude himself of doing 'the greater good' nonsense, as well as his willfull blocking out his own conscious to the point of believing 'his own hands are clean' malarky. I'm very happy that none of the teachers of Hogwarts know of Harry and Hermione's bond yet. It'll help with their summer arrangements someway I'm sure. Especially if Dumbledore doesn't know of the Durselys leaving yet.

As for Ron, well no big loss from my point. If they continue to befriend Ginny and the twins then that's all the Weasley contact they really need. I also like that Neville is slowly seeming to take Ron's old place of the Trio. Maybe not as close, but still building. Please don't have Ron at the bottom the that lake for Harry! That's all I ask for that part of the Tournament. Speaking of, when will Harry and Hermione tell the adults of their lives they are essentially already married? When will Harry get Hermione a ring? Hopefully sometime during the summer? Away from Dumbledore and the Ministry?
Paws.on.scroll chapter 1 . 6/30/2008
*Blinks in shock* Holly... You really know how to get a person's emotions flying all over don't you? First you had me angry as Hermione earlier on when she realized how Harry was treated by the Dursely's then, happy that they were doing something on that situation right away.

Then very very happy on how Harry was getting out of his shell with Hermione as time went on. Then ectatic when they admitted to loving one another and Bonded. Then there was the point of the tournament. On my freakn' edge of my chair reading as fast as I could then ticked off on how Dumbledore is acting towards Harry! (The sodding Git!)

I'm also glad that Remus and Sirius are going to do things in the Wizarding area like the Grangers are in the Muggle area to help Harry out of his situation of the Dursely's. Now Ron... thick headed to the extreme thinking he can just watz in the hospital wing and think things haven't changed with his relationship with Harry because they haven't talked in MONTHS. Then trying to hit Hermione! What a cliffy. How ARE Remus and Sirius going to take the news (as well as Hermione's parents?) about Harry and Hermione being already Bonded? You didn't give them the chance to tell them yet?
thoraxe357 chapter 2 . 6/30/2008
Masterfully done. I eagerly await the next installment
jabarber69 chapter 2 . 6/30/2008
Hey I finally got around to reading this in its entirety or at least up to the end of this chapter! WoW, and WoW again. Great story! I love hp stories like this, bonds with hg and also the elves. sadly there arent too many stories like out there. Also I was sad and a little surprised when I suddenly found myself at the end of what you have written so far!
Wonderbee31 chapter 2 . 6/30/2008
So, Albus is determined to control Harry here, at the expense of his happiness, and maybe sanity, while Ron is lettig himself be consumed by his own idiocy and jealousy, going to be curious to see what all goes down next time with him, and how the trio might reform after this. The Yule Ball, here's to Ron not making an idiot of himself there(yeah right). though abosolutely awesome to see Minerva finally standing up a bit more for Harry there, and to shove it to both Snape and Dumbledore.
dougal74 chapter 2 . 6/30/2008
Another well written chapter.
dougal74 chapter 1 . 6/30/2008
Wow...well written and well thought out. I like your take on how the story is going.
animaluvr123 chapter 2 . 6/30/2008
Fibinaci chapter 2 . 6/30/2008
I liked the little bit where Dumbles was happy Harry had friends, even if it was for his own plans, it kept him from becoming a charicature. Much like Ron needs to realize his own fault for their lost friendship, I wonder if Dumbles will realize that any reason Harry has for going dark comes mostly from Dumbles himself? My money is surprisingly on Ron.
maddy.georgia chapter 2 . 6/30/2008
i love this story, it's so well set out and with great detail.

love the bonding part.

i was just wondering though, do harry and hermione know about the guardian change for harry (from the dursleys to the grangers)and the new arrangements for when they aren't at school yet? (harry living with the grangers)
Vilkath chapter 2 . 6/30/2008
Interesting fluff but one does have to ask what is Harry going to do? Attack the papers and public with statements of his own? Leave Hogwarts or what? I just can't imagine a smart Harry like this putting up with Dumbledoor, Snape and such's manipulations. Dumbledoor has not only put Harry's life every year in danger, but all his friends and school mates.

You can't say his painting network never noticed a 60ft baskalisk, or a student walking down the halls at the time. You can't say he didn't notice Quirrel was possed not to mention he just lets Snape get away with absolutely everything but thinks Harry is going Dark all the time.

The simple answer, I kind hope harry doesn't come back for his 6th year, it's not like Hogwarts teachers teach all that much, nor are 99% of the students overly worth while friends, and if Harry wanted to be in mortal peril he could challenge Voldemort dirrectly.
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