Reviews for Dark Lord Rising
Holen-Snape chapter 1 . 6/21/2008
How badly will Ron be hurt? Charlie won't mind as long as it is not to bad for Ron tried to hit a girl. Looking forward to more. thank you.
Fibinaci chapter 1 . 6/21/2008
Very good start to your story with a lot to like. I didnt mind how you fiddled with the timeline as it seemed to still make sense. Neville made a good showing for himself. as much as Ron didn't. I thought your Dumbledore with his interest more in Harry becoming a Buddha or Jesus more than staying alive was in character.

I wasnt too crazy about the bond but thats more about how often and badly theyre done by other authors. I would think a girl like Hermione who is into her parent's approval and following the rules might be a bit more distressed about being forced into a marraige at age Fifteen. For good examples read "The Harmony Bond" and "Soul Nexus".
Cerulean Rose chapter 1 . 6/21/2008
Really well written. I add this to my favorites. Excellent start, I always thought that Hermione was a better match with Harry than Ron.

You gave Ron exactly what I always thought he deserved.

Good start.
Bluebear13 chapter 1 . 6/21/2008
hash4uall chapter 1 . 6/21/2008
seriously wicked.. update.. we want more.. but i hope you dont make dumbeldore too much manuplative.. anyway cant wait to see wat happens to ron...
GLCW2 chapter 1 . 6/21/2008
Very good. I can't wait to see more. I assume that you took some liberties with the timing. Harry wasn't made a champion until Halloween (IIRC). Either way, great story.
harry shall rise chapter 1 . 6/21/2008
Love the story, update soon!.
Ciroth chapter 1 . 6/21/2008
I do like this so far. However, I might suggest that you break it up a bit so that it flows a little better. Some things seemed scattered.
jabarber69 chapter 1 . 6/21/2008
Hey was cruising thru someone's favs, when I found your story...normally I would read the whole thing before leaving a review, but I'm about to fall asleep, just about to turn off my computer and go to bed, but I did read first couple of paragraphs just enough to see that it was well written, so I left this here sorta review so I could save it to my favs so I could find it later when I woke up!
major wallace chapter 1 . 6/21/2008
go on
Vilkath chapter 1 . 6/20/2008
A bit heavy handed and mushy when certian plot elements had to happen to change the story from the cannon events in such a short time, like Hermonie and Harry's relationship. Still not a bad story or a bad start so far. I always happy to read a story where Harry wises up to Dumbledoor not always having his best interest at mind, even in a non evil Dumbledoor story.

His actions are overly confusing to trying to guilt harry about killing a dragon when he more or less hailed him a hero for Killing Quirrel in the first year and killing a baskalisk in the 2nd year. Especialy when he sort of forced Harry into the compettion in the first place and offered no training.

I also find it funny that only Harry's dragon broke from it's collar. Strong as dragons are with magic to support it you really think professional dragon handlers be able to have chains that won't break by a few tugs. Which sort leads to the idea some one used weakend or tampered with restraints as well.

The final scene was a little over the top, I kind thing the reaction might been a little better dirrected at Dumbledoor instead of Ron but oh well.

I also think they might want to look into occulmancy at some point, if no other reason I don't see Remus and Sirius trusting snape to stay out of Harry's mind.

It was nice to see the 1st task end up a little differently then most stories have it, first off they did try the easy idea of summoning the egg and it didn't work. Then he tried the finite spell and it did work but he had to fly away from the dragon any ways. I also have to wonder if collapsing into the Dragons blood with open wounds of his own won't effect Harry some how? In the very least give him a better reason to have a dragon animagus form.
Pvt-Donut351 chapter 1 . 6/20/2008
i have to tell you that this story so far is turning out amanzing already its becoming one of my favorites

i also like how you made harry beat the crap out of ron it made me wish you already had another chapter up

to find out what happens

whatever your doing keep it up
sweetgirl23 chapter 1 . 6/20/2008
Great start. I liked how in the beginning the story moved very fast, but it held my attention. A lot happened, but it was well-thought out. I liked how Harry wrote to sirius and got hte help he needed. Also the part with the Granger and the Dursley's was teriffic. Looking foward to the next update.
Meca Vegeta chapter 1 . 6/20/2008
cooella. i hope chapter 2 is coming pretty soon
Wonderbee31 chapter 1 . 6/20/2008
Very nice, and a different take on what might have happened had Harry had some more support and used his brains more, along with Hermione's as well. Liked how the Granger's were able to convince the Dursley's there, as well as Sirius and Remus doing more than just sitting on the sidelines(really, in Harry's time, the Marauder's really came off poorly imo), and with Ron here, well, he deserves nothing less than he got imo. Anyone who'd hit a girl even if she were to slap him for his hurtful comments deserves no pity, and Ron has pretty much lost whatever friendship he pretended to have(and I still feel he was no true friend in canon), and with Dumbledore continuing to act about as pompous as Percy, even if he tries to come off more grandfatherly, well, here's hoping that someone will knock him off his ivory tower at last.
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