Reviews for Warrior's Heir
stalinchapotrap chapter 1 . 6/30
fuckthe odd father andfuck biden andfuck neoliberalism
ElevenEleven chapter 13 . 1/18
I think the campeador abilities are explained pretty well. This was a well written chapter, and even if you didn't like it that much, I enjoyed reading it!
ElevenEleven chapter 12 . 1/18
The part about using PowerPoints was really funny to me for some reason.
Guest chapter 11 . 1/18
I love this story so much! Great job!
Lilo chapter 5 . 1/15
I love their bickering. It's so funny
Mantis Toboggan chapter 9 . 9/3/2023
I know this tale’s long since abandoned, but it’s a damn shame! This is so amazing! I don’t know what you are up to now, but I hope you are putting your writing skills to good use!

Anyways, to answer your questions, I think now feels like the right time for a quasi truce between Tom and Harry, even if they aren’t exactly friends and still go at it from time to time. There are one or two things Harry I think would have asked: First, he would have asked if Neville was the Dark Lord, what happened to Harry in this universe? Probably just to see Dumbledore’s reaction, but also to see I what other half truths Dumbledore would reveal. Second, I think he would ask what happened when ‘Neville’ went after Tom, out of morbid curiosity of what he had done, and his heartbreak at the thought of doing something to leave another child an orphan. Of course, Dumbledore wouldn’t have answered and said something along the line that that information is Riddle’s to reveal, if and when he deems Harry deserving to know.
johnny99 chapter 13 . 8/29/2023
Overall a very clever and gripping story. At this point, though, your portrayal of Harry seems all over the place, seemingly shifting from paragraph to paragraph. Additionally, you’ve really not provided much to make the reader feel sympathy with the pure bloods, other than “it’s the right thing.” Hermione’s explanation behind their motivations drives that point home.

I suspect Hadrian is simply a psychopath and likes to kill, but you have not yet revealed that. And Harry is conflicted up to now because he has no evidence the pure bloods really deserve to survive. It would be good to better explain why Hadrian is wrong, perhaps through Dumbledore?

To be honest, I suspect that the ministry would have fell long ago and the pure bloods, being mostly Slytherin, would have simply went along with the changes. No need for a long war.
gamer2004 chapter 20 . 4/20/2023
Truely pitty that this thing was not finished. One of the best Alternate Universe fics that i've read, good job.
TsukuyoGintoki chapter 20 . 9/10/2022
I really enjoyed this storym I hope you will finish it someday.
Guest chapter 20 . 5/19/2022
Sam Davenport chapter 19 . 5/2/2022
Fabulous. I wish it would be finished!
Drayden044 chapter 19 . 3/16/2022
loved your story
Albmarjos chapter 20 . 1/27/2022
This is so f***** great. I doubt you are reading this or that you will finish the story, but I hope you do so. You have reach 20 chapters of considerable length and great quality.
TessHipster007 chapter 20 . 10/2/2021
Are you going to finish this soon? It’s been a really good story.
Guest chapter 20 . 6/30/2021
This is really an amazingly thought out and equally amazingly executed story with a refreshing plot.
Definitely one of my favourites. Plzz don't give up on it. It's really sad to see such a potential plot go to waste.
Humble request, please don't abandon it.
And thanks for these 20 chapters
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