Reviews for Red Moon
Stephen Adezio chapter 1 . 1/3/2009
I can see it now. The inevitable clashes with Pluto, and her genocidal ways. The Outers would be really interesting to interact with, the dutiful "ends justify the means" soldiers that they are. Did they know about the Freeze?
creativesm75 chapter 1 . 9/13/2008
Major lol. Poor luna. extremely well written. intriguing. fun.
Violet Shadows chapter 1 . 6/17/2008
A truly great and original comedy.
Dark Knight Gafgar chapter 1 . 5/26/2008
You made Sailor Moon a communist. I think I'm in love.

...With Sailor Socialism, not you.

Two nitpicks though - A, "religion is the opiate of the masses" is so overused and misunderstood. Opium was considered a medicine in Marx's time, but of course most find it nice to forget that little detail. B, don't badmouth Papa Joe. No one disses the boss. And Generalissimo uniforms will always look better than capitalistic tuxedos.
HTchime chapter 1 . 4/28/2008
Wow, this was just brilliant. OOC but believable. Lol, I did not see that one coming in the case of Venus, haha, damn funny. Hope you could spare a few more chapters to this fic. Till then, ja! :)
MrEmperor chapter 1 . 3/16/2008
That was incredible! You are amazing!
Kinai chapter 1 . 2/22/2008
I didn't read this story until today, but I like it very much.

You must follow it, unless until they find the outer senshis.

On the other hand, What happened to Tuxedo Mask? You mention it only one time in the story.

Overall, an excellent story.
Panther Pendragon chapter 1 . 2/13/2008
Dude have them meet the outers
SilentHypoCrit chapter 1 . 11/29/2007
I read that story...a long time ago, and never forgot it's sillyness and genius.

I just wanted to write it down here, if there is a chance you might come back from time to time. It was one of the stories to get me addicted to all this...stuff.

(you should post Mercury's World here as well sometime I liked it as much)
Yo chapter 1 . 1/4/2007
That was brilliant! Though Minako makes me scared... Anyways, this is definitely an -unique- idea you expounded upon. Some of the vocabulary required the usage of a dictionary, but they definitely were appropriate considering Usagi's -inclinations-. I am not sure if this is supposed to be partly comedic, judging from some other reviewers opinions, but some of the speeches and dialogue were simply hilarious considering how the actually series progressed. In any case, this veritably makes me wonder how the Silver Millenium operated and how Crystal Tokyo would have proceeded. Hmm, what would happen when the Outer Senshi are brought in? Especially Pluto - shouldn't she have know this would happen? Eh, so many possibilities (It helped I had a thesaurus too).

It is a pity you essentially vanished...
FairyQilan chapter 1 . 11/5/2006
Great story really. I laughed so hard. A continuation of this would be great.
Questara chapter 1 . 3/29/2006
Have to admit, this is a really great story. Communist Sailor Moon, without her being corrupt, I LOVE IT! I read a Stalinist Moon, but that took away too much from her personality, and just didn't feel like Usagi, THIS this felt like the characters all along.
Really Bad Fanfiction chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
You asshole. You bastard. You goddamn Hitler! If there's one thing that's unforgivable, it's being this good and then not finishing your damn stories. You could at least have the decency to do that.
Teardrop chapter 1 . 11/22/2005
I. Am. In. LOVE! The idea of the Usagi as a politically concious individual out to protect the rights of the common man is just perfect. I greatly enjoyed the intellectual and comedic foray. Thank you for writing it.
Peacebunnie chapter 1 . 8/4/2005
This - has a most apt title. As soon as Sailor Moon's first prelude to a speech: "They can't just pick on my friends like some antiquated monarchist oppressor right out of the fifteenth century!" was said, I understood, and knew there was no way I could skip this story. I liked it a lot. An interesting take, and though I wish to know what would happen to them in the future events, it was a good ending. Kudos to you.
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