Reviews for No Uncertain Terms |
InitialLuv chapter 1 . 5/20/2018 I like this whole story, with McCormick's honest, emotional speech and the judge's frustrated anger and concern. But probably my favorite part was this: ...Hardcastle said carefully, "Are you saying that you getting shot isn't my fault because you're not sorry it happened?" McCormick rolled his eyes. "No, I'm saying it's not your fault because you didn't shoot me." -ck |
WasWoksa chapter 1 . 6/28/2015 It's time to "favorite" this. I was thinking of it, trying to place who wrote it, and spent a good part of a Sunday afternoon looking for it. Never again. I'm keeping this penetrating look into the guys' post-If You Could See debriefing right where I can find it. |
Rose O' Sharon chapter 1 . 2/15/2012 This was great! I especially loved the way they were kept in character! Terrific read! :D |
JeanneZ84 chapter 1 . 7/12/2008 Wow this sure was a switch in roles kinda. McCormick doing and saying and acting like Hardcastle. McCormick has learned a great deal from the judge. McCormick can immitate the judge in voice and actions and now in this story he is now living his life on his own terms like Milton C. Hardcastle would and does. Very good story. I like reading about how much and all that McCormick has learned from the judge. JeanneZ84 |
Quarterdeck chapter 1 . 7/9/2008 You're not the first one to be inspired by our talented trio of Cheri, L.M., and Owl, but you are assuredly one of the best. Intelligent premise literate writing excellent characterization a heck of a good story. Do keep writing! |
Jaz22 chapter 1 . 7/7/2008 I'm not sure I can ever get enough of epilogues for this episode, and this one is done, oh so well. You have a wonderful grasp of the guys and their motivations (and limitations) and their banter is perfect. I can easily picture this entire conversation taking place, which is the best part of fanfic for me. Welcome, and thanks for sharing! |
Georgi1961 chapter 1 . 7/7/2008 I loved this epilogue! To add to favorite lines, mine was, "But I could finish…I could do that on my terms." I like to see Mark take charge. Thanks for letting us eavesdrop on a much needed conversation. I totally felt like I was there in the den... Welcome! Can't wait to read more :-) |
dcat8888 chapter 1 . 7/7/2008 Hardcastle looked anything but happy. “Hey, I want you to think about this. Don’t just say what you think I want to hear!” “Judge,” McCormick said, grinning, “believe me, I have never just said what I thought you wanted to hear.” I loved this part. Nice dialogue throughout, another great look into a great episode. |
smithcrafter chapter 1 . 7/7/2008 I liked that "More of 'em?" at the end. I love the mushy hospital scenes based on this episode, but it was kind of nice to see an epilogue that wasn't one of those, too. |
L.M.Lewis chapter 1 . 7/7/2008 "Judge," McCormick said, grinning, "believe me, I have never just said what I thought you wanted to hear." Oh, yes, but rarely does he say what he's really thinking with such uncompromising honestly. The toughest place to go with these two guys is soul-baring territory. The journey is fraught with potential mishap since the characters are not, by nature, guys who open up their inner selves to each other. You make the foray with never a false step and the result is a cogent, wonderfully revealing, and immensely satisfying argument. When the going gets tough, the tough resorta to the improbable but evocative image of pressing flowers in a album, but still gets his point made. I can hear every word of this ringing true: Mark calmly steadfast, Hardcastle stubbornly blustering and finally falling silent in the face of the truth. It's a terrific maiden voyage. Please promise me there are more at home where this one came from. |
JudyH chapter 1 . 7/6/2008 -Oh, I loved this! The dialogue was spot on and weaving an entrancing missing scene for my personal fav ep didn't hurt, either LOL. I loved the line where Mark informs Milt that getting hurt is part of the lease agreement for the Bat Cave. Mark's statement that going for the gun in the poolhouse was his way of "ending" the face off "his" way, well, that was a way of looking at his obviously suicidal action from a viewpoint I had never considered. -You do know that, once you dip into the fic pool here, you have to return for another swim, right? Welcome, and please share your talents with us again soon. Judy H. |
cheride chapter 1 . 7/6/2008 Oh, it's always a fine day when I find a new author here. (Remind me to tell you someday about my 'mantra') But it is an even finer day when that new author delivers such a wonderful piece of work. There are so many things to like here: an obvious knowledge of the characters and their motivation; comfortable and natural dialogue; and a nice look at what happened after a favorite episode. But, in the midst of all these things, there is one little bit of banter that sticks out for me: " . . .It kind of goes with the Batman and Robin territory, you know? It says so right on the lease to the Bat Cave. Page three, the small print." That is just perfect McCormick, and I love it. Thanks so much for sharing, and I hope to be seeing more from you soon. |
owlcroft chapter 1 . 7/6/2008 I just _love_ this! Not only is there a new fic writer on the block, that writer immediately shows a deep knowledge of the characters and a wonderful feel for their personalities and conversation. Add to that a real insight and perception, plus the choice of a situation just begging to be plumbed, and you come up a blue-ribbon, first-prize winner. There's no possible way to pick just one favorite line, but I have to point at this one: "It kind of goes with the Batman and Robin territory, you know? It says so right on the lease to the Bat Cave. Page three, the small print.” If that isn't perfect, I don't know what is. Please write more very soon. I'm really hoping this is just the first shower of sparks from a new shooting star. And _thanks_ for posting! |