Reviews for A Matter of Honor
sheepmasterx chapter 22 . 4/4
damn what the hell is the M rating for
TyTylerBarela100 chapter 13 . 10/19/2023
more I read this more I know katara and zuko are not the hero or the victim of this story
TyTylerBarela100 chapter 11 . 10/19/2023
bro aang should know that girls are not doll that break easily expect he meet strong woman in the series
TyTylerBarela100 chapter 5 . 10/19/2023
dude katara is a slut untill time like she really do this shit in front of aang
TyTylerBarela100 chapter 3 . 10/17/2023
toph speaking straight facts to katara like for someone who likes a group a mom a until journey she kinda stupid the way see doing
ensanesane chapter 1 . 1/24/2023
BlackSwan265: Two years late but I figure I should still answer for anyone that finds this later. "The Art of Getting Some" was started and was posted previously but at some point it was removed. I have no idea why but this was several years ago.
Tri-Edge chapter 4 . 11/23/2022
This is pretty disgusting behavior on part of everyone. Katara is a skank, Suki is a skank, and Toph is content to brush it off under the rug.

Zuko at the least, put an end to it. He still should've told Aang what he's getting into with Katara, however.
Tri-Edge chapter 2 . 11/23/2022
Jesus Christ. What the ever loving fuck is wrong with these women. None of them, besides Toph, has any sense of respect or dignity. Holy crap.
Pilarmx2 chapter 32 . 7/16/2022
me atrevo a comentar esto en español a pesar de que es una historia de hace años, que acabo de leer. ES QUE NO SABI CUANDO AMO A TOPH Y A AANG Y POR SUPUESTO AMBOS SON MIS PERSONAJES FAVORITOS! nunca he sido muy fan del zutara, pero me gustó como los manejaste en el fondo, y dios, LA TENSIÓN ENTRE TOPH Y AANG ME HIZO GIRAR POR LA CAMA DE EMOCIÓN quedé con ganas de una descripción más detallada de sus encuentros coxinos pero aún así AMÉ esta historia. Realmente supiste capturar la esencia de todos los personajes originales y su desarrollo como más grandes, AH Y, MI CAPÍTULO FAVORITO SIN DUDA FUE ESTE ESPECIE DE POEMA ENTRE TOPH Y AANG, un interludio, no recuerdo como se llamaba, pero es uno cortito, donde toph le pide a aang que le cuente historias y le responda algunas preguntas, ¡ME CONMOVIÓ! ¡INCLUSO LO SUBÍ A MIS HISTORIAS DE IG! amoamoamo ¿ya dije que amé esta historia? ¡lo vuelvo a hacer! sé que la mayoría de personas terminan emparejando a toph con aang porque son los que sobran cuando emparejan a katara y zuko, pero esta historia y otras solo me confirman la hermosa pareja que hacen porque se complementan a la perfección, la tierra y el aire son una combinación que me encanta y aaahhh, ya, dejo de llorar porque los amo mucho.
¡Gracias infinitas por esta historia! ¡lo disfruté desde el minuto uno! y créeme, el interludio del que te hablé quedará marcado en mi corazón como la cosa más linda que jamás he leído /cry
Coyote chapter 33 . 4/18/2022
Man, years later and this story is still juste as good as before.
You can never go wrong with the classics.
itsmemelonlord chapter 18 . 3/5/2022
dangg i like how you are emphasizing how good looking zuko is hajssklssk
Sangosa chapter 33 . 10/18/2021
Wow, I am so happy with this story I am very pleased that I pushed on past the first chapter. You are an incredible writer and have written the only Aang I have ever liked! I will be coming back to this story in the future for sure. Hope you're well
boomeraang ysa chapter 19 . 4/13/2021
If I had to choose one fic to read for the rest of my life, I would choose this. Rereading this is so fun, I spot minor details and can analyze it more. Not the mention the fucking bromance team boomeraang has

It's so perfect
paperskirts chapter 32 . 4/6/2021
Thank you for writing this story! I read it through the first time shortly after you finished it, and it's always been one I've come back to even after 10 years. I hope you've been enjoying life since then, and even if you aren't writing fanfiction anymore, I hope you write every now and again in any form!
palmtreehead chapter 32 . 3/13/2021
I loved the way Toph dealt with Aang in ch27 ‘Of Swords and Men’. Refusing to let him treat her poorly because he’s feeling insecure, but also being understanding at the same time and protecting her friends secrets. And I adored Tlatli understanding why Toph asked them to sing. Thanks very much for sharing this story
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