Reviews for The More Things Change
Nashara chapter 22 . 2/12/2015
Please, please, please, please, please update the story! It's been such a wild ride, and to have it end on chapter 24 (I know I'm reviewing chapter 22, but I've already reviewed 24. Sorry), with so many questions left is a damn shame! I hope you are alright and there wasn't a horrible incident that caused the story to go so long without an update.
Airmaid chapter 24 . 1/21/2015
I know it's been a while, but I'm still going to follow/fav just in case this gets updated. It's amazing, and so close to the end. It would be such a shame to leave it like this.
Book girl fan chapter 24 . 12/28/2014
Wow! I finally made it through all near four hundred words of this, and it is fantastic. Seriously, brilliant. Everyone is described so well, and are so true to what I know of their personalities. I love their looks, their friends, their jobs, and how their old life is persistent, and will never simply leave them alone. Is there more to this?
miss-meowness chapter 24 . 12/28/2014
Aww...poor Master Splinter. It must be so...weird not having his sons around anymore, and then up and getting his first phone call from them being 'hi Sensei? oh, we're fine, but Leo's in the hospital because our long-going enemy karai attacked him. yeeeahh...'. My heart goes out to him. But I feel even more for the turtle brothers and this whole bed-ridden Leo thing, because not only is there the mushy if not painstaking wait for recovery, but there's the whole threat of just waiting to see if any other crap decides to come their way again (daRN YOU Karai. .). I hope you still have this story in mind, (since it looks like its been a year since you updated it) but if not still, thank you for writing this much. It's truly been a delightful story to delve into up to this point.
Book girl fan chapter 12 . 12/27/2014
That's awesome. I'm sure her dad will appreciate the coincidence, as will she and Leo once they find out.
Book girl fan chapter 5 . 12/27/2014
The descriptions were awesome. I think they really suit them, though I may have imagined Mikey as more of a strawberry blonde.
miss-meowness chapter 20 . 12/24/2014
HOLY COW. This story is getting so intense and deep and I don't even know how to deal. This story is hands down absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for writing this, and I wouldn't change my mind on this story even with four more chapters to go...because its already in the highest of standards in my opinion; No questions, one of the greatest pieces of literature I've read in a long time (This is not flattery, I swear, thank you so much for this amazing TMNT-writing talent). I look forward to reading whatever is in store for us readers next (from past reviews, it looks like the story leaves off in a cliffhanger? or something. I tried to avoid spoilers so I only glossed over them)!
miss-meowness chapter 10 . 12/21/2014
I'm so glad I recently discovered this. This story is wonderful! You haven't ceased to move me with each passing chapter and has had me captivated by this talent and effort put into the story. Thank you so much for writing it. :) I love how in character and how in depth you go with them. I have to admit, chapters ago I was uncertain with reading the rest of the story past that chapter they discovered they were considering becoming human as...other stories, I don't believe can pull off as decent an execution (relating canonically especially). This story though...its blown my mind. I love all of the funny references to you slip in from time to time, and how we can see the multiple perspectives of all the turtles in character (I often see when authors switch from perspective to perspective, it's obvious which one is their favorite, but for you its a little less obvious I think), and the problems that the former-turtles are faced with in adjusting to their new lives are so well thought out on how they individually react to it. You've even got the thoughts of outsiders, villains and friends to what's happening (like, with that shop owner at first I was really confused, like 'who is this guy?' then I saw a paragraph in that four guys walked into the store and it clicked. And I wasn't disappointed at all with what followed either). Absolutely fantastic story...and I've got like 10 more long chapters to go, so am looking forward to it! (g' night for me now...)
Shirubagure chapter 24 . 11/26/2014
Ah...that moment when you realize there's nothing else's to read because there are no more chapters left. :c I'll have to say this though, your story was just amazing in multiple levels. Like way, way up there. It was so well-written, the plot was amazing, and your characterization was awesome. I couldn't think of better personalities to give the turtles and the others. I just...have soo many things I want to say, but I don't want this to be too long. I was really scared for Leo as well and anxious to know if he was okay when he got hurt by Karai as well. There's just soo many questions and much more! I can't wait for you to update this! :D I'll wait forever if I have to!
Technophobia678 chapter 24 . 10/11/2014
Please, please, PLEASE tell me you are still alive and well and this story is still ongoing. That sounds a little like I've got my priorities mixed up; I do sincerely hope all is well with yourself out of concern for a fellow human being. That being said; I'm desperate to read more of this universe.

There's so much left to learn! What happens to Karai? How will the police react to the whole debacle? How will Leo's employers or Mike's nurse friends react? Will Karai get what's coming to her? So many unanswered questions! Please be alive to answer them! I could go on, but I think you get the gist. Hope to hear from you soon!
sav chapter 24 . 8/25/2014
I stumbled upon this fanfic a few months ago and I have re-read this for the third time now. I honestly think this is the best story I've ever read, hands down. I normally hate OC's with a passion but I LOVE all of yours, they're so well done. I've read a few human fics as well but in my opinion they come nowhere near this one.
You have done such a amazing job with the story and everyone's personality and I really hope you can still finish this! In almost all your previous chapters you say you wouldn't abandon this story and I really hope that is still the case because I want to see this finished, especially since there are only 2 (?) chapters left... I also hope nothing serious happened for you to stop updating for so long though.. Please come back! This really is the best fanfiction and I've read A LOT of 'em. Please finish this story!
Juxtaposie chapter 24 . 8/24/2014
This story is amazing! You're so good with all the characters, and I love your OCs. Your writing style is wonderful. The story hasn't been updated in awhile, but I'm glad I got to enjoy what's here, and I live in hope that it will be continued. If not - well, it was great while it lasted!
Crazy Tree-hugging Elf chapter 24 . 8/21/2014
I was so sure I had reviewed this. And yet, to my consternation, I haven't. I'm not sure whether it's the glitchy site or my head, full of gaping memory holes, to blame, but surprise-surprise, I came back to revisit your story and came across no review of mine. Can you ever forgive me? I will fully understand if you never will. Sigh.

I have to admit protective Raph is a guilty pleasure of mine, even though it's well-known that he can be... well, kind of an ass when he's like that. 'Suspicious bastard' indeed. Still, there's something so addictive in seeing that passion channeled into protecting those he holds dear, especially since he is arguably the most reluctant of the brothers to display open affection, and I can never get enough of that.

Still, it's nice to see him and Hitoshi finally, finally have a civil talk and exchange their thoughts on Leo and the matters in general. Hitoshi... well, now you really have me curious about his life story, since he has shown, time and again, a much broader than average knowledge of clan wars and people who are involved in them. And I suppose he's had a lot of experience with explaining things without actually, you know, explaining them and giving the most crucial information away, just as his talk with Karai had suggested - the reason why he can see through what the guys say and DON'T say a lot easier than your average person.

It would have been nice to see him and Splinter have a chat. But I guess that's a long road ahead yet, if ever. Sigh.

...Karai is not actually going to attack the hospital... is she?

Aw, Leo. I can understand the frustration of his family and friends - even though he's getting noticeably better at it, it's still so damn exasperating how he refuses to let himself relax out of habit and occasionally slips back into his old ways. Two days almost without sleep? Check. Cutting back on the drugs without telling anyone? Check. Add the 'scare you off to keep you safe', 'my fault someone else got hurt' attitude, and I can see the aggravation. At least they are learning how to roll with it - in several cases, I suppose, by simply taking it and ignoring it entirely and doing what needs to be done regardless.

Additionally, the fact that he has to put up with the doctors and nurses taking care of him is kind of funny. Here he has to be careful not to give anything away and to remain that same polite non-threatening person that, ironically, everyone believes him to be, so he simply HAS to take it, sympathetic glances and all. I do believe it is an exercise in willpower - he has to constantly remind himself that it's okay if his brothers to take care of him, for heaven's sake, so the unfamiliar people doing it is unwonted to say the least. But it's good for him - he needs the practice and maybe the reminder that not the whole world is out to get him. Being on display like this is unnerving, though, and I have yet to meet a person who likes hospitals, even without such a traumatic experience. Had I been in his place, even without 'a psycho bitch could be about to attack me here' stuff, I would have still wanted out, so I can sympathize with his plight.

Anyway, thank you for the update and once again, I'm sorry! Better late than never, right? Right?

Take care!
Leradomi chapter 24 . 7/16/2014
isn't there more to this story? When will this be updated?
Bex chapter 24 . 7/12/2014
Please update this, its amazingly good
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