Reviews for Boys
Kioko Yasu chapter 1 . 7/24/2008
Oh my god I'm totally addicted. Please right more! This is just the kind of fic I'm been looking for!
Bunch-o-Nuts chapter 1 . 7/23/2008
I absolutely loved this story so far. I am saving it to my computer so I never lose it even. Please, please, please write more.

On another note, it was amazing because of its content but also because you had no grammar errors, no spelling errors, no punctuation errors...nothing! Either you are a very talented writer or very dedicated to re-read the story until there are no errors. Anyhow, hope you have a new chapter soon.
Kirah Ruth chapter 1 . 7/23/2008
*Amused* You know, when the rumor started going around that I was dating my best friend, the first thing that occurred to me was not "Sure, why not go along with it?", though there was a sarcastic comment or two. Mostly, though, just incredulous denial.

Then again, there was the little thing that I did not /want/ to be going out with my best friend, whereas the chemistry between Sora and Riku is so obvious (and very well written, I might add.) So, yes, that could change things.

We shall see.
sottov chapter 1 . 7/22/2008
yes haha i've been waiting for you to start posting this! your writing is sophisticated but also FUN, and your story-telling is just really creative. i am so psyched. i can't wait for the next chapters.
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