Reviews for Another Brother
villain chapter 39 . 9/10
I remember a decade ago, reading and commenting on this fic. The other day, I thought of it and how much I loved your writing and decided to re-read it. What a beautiful surprise to find so many new chapters! I’m sure that, like me, your life looks very different now compared to when you started this story. I want you to know I’ve thought of your writing for years and years, and that this fic withstands the test of time. I hope you’re doing well and that your world is better than ever. I’m cheering for you and your efforts to continue this story!
Booklover chapter 6 . 9/5
That could hold the weight of a person!
Guest chapter 5 . 9/5
Excuse me. What is she doesn’t want to get married? Or anything else like that? That’s her decision.!
Guest chapter 5 . 9/5
He follows the people around like a puppy. Gender equals!
Guest chapter 4 . 9/5
Girls and boys are equal!
Guest chapter 3 . 9/5
Men AND Women! Equals!
Guest chapter 2 . 9/5
I feel like disappointment should have been enough of a…
(Um, forget the word,) but it would probably have been enough to keep him from starting a fight..!
Dragonfire3647 chapter 1 . 5/7
This is so good! This is my favorite Zuko fanfiction! Love it!
Arowen13 chapter 39 . 5/6
This is such a a great story. It's a shame it's left unfinished.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/4
Iroh should give him back the medal he gave him in the live action…he seems quite strong already chapter 39 . 3/29
What a cliffhanger haha. Love this story. Thanks author! chapter 38 . 3/29
It can‘t get any worse, can it? Great chapter! chapter 37 . 3/29
Of course Sokka would find him first. Excellent chapter! chapter 36 . 3/29
Reunion soon? Anyway this was great! I love how you incorporated Toph into the storyline. Great chapter! chapter 35 . 3/29
Poor Sokka. I like really like the concept of waterbenders in Ba Sing Se! Great episode!
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