Reviews for The One That Even Death Rejects
Maharl100 chapter 3 . 6/16/2010
heeheehee Goku's a wolf. I think it would be more fummy if it was a monkey but that's funny too. Can't wait for the nexted Chapter. _
akirareader chapter 3 . 8/12/2009
fuck ya goku the wolf awsome!
akirareader chapter 2 . 8/12/2009
i think that rewriting this series to be yoai is a much better idea. one thing that buged me about the father son paring was that i could tell you had built up their relationship to be a couple not family. thus i felt the father and son relationship was ackward. i find it strange that you said the later chapters got bad reviews because i felt that everything after the first part of the series was a big improvment (i found the first installment to be rather disjointed and hard to follow sometimes) i will continue reading and will eagerly await the rewrite.

as a side note, you shouldent let others dictate your writing so much. if the yoai paring was what you wanted you should have writin it, reviewers be damned because even if some people flame you, the fact that you are proud of what you have written is what is important

but that is just my opinion and since i love to read but cant write to save my life i may be wrong. anyway keep up the great writing

sarkura chapter 2 . 8/2/2008
-crys- i really don't like her. goku maybe cute and all but i don't think thaat a puppy would suit goku. - stops crying and sweatdrops- he's more like a happy teen monkey
Sarkura chapter 1 . 8/1/2008
ya first person to commnt? well it was good but wheres goku! dun din din!