Reviews for My Name is Cameron Sage
Criminally Insane Hermit chapter 7 . 8/12/2008
Yay! Another Horcrux down! But you know, now that you've got quite a few of the Horcruxes taken care of, more people will be bugging you about the Snarry. *Looks at you pointedly* I suppose though, that we can learn to wait, since you seem to be updating rather quickly. I'm glad that you continue to churn out great work, and doing it fast is just an added bonus.

Looking forward to the next chappie!
Fifty-I chapter 7 . 8/12/2008
brilliant relly your updating skills plus the quality of the chapter is wonderful. I wonder if Cameron has this animagus stuff power... It would be great... I mean i dunno which animal he would be but... something original would be great like... dunno a lion maybe? I haven't read any fic with a Lion in it... it would be soo cool how powerful a lion with cameron's power would beXD anyway any animal is fine with me though. I can't wait for the next chapter! keep it up!
SubparShitIWroteInHighschool chapter 7 . 8/12/2008
your the best! thank you! please keep these updates going! _

Bleudiablo chapter 7 . 8/12/2008
brilliant, I love the relationship slowly forming between Harry (Cameron) and Snape

Keep up the good work

Mcmllnchrstn91 chapter 7 . 8/12/2008
ninjaangelprincess chapter 7 . 8/12/2008
I really like the story. Could you possibly mention the year though once in a while? It gets a little confusing trying to keep up with the time progression.
Topaz.Emerald.Onyx.Sexy chapter 7 . 8/12/2008
I love this story and I can't wait for more.
cosette-aimee chapter 7 . 8/12/2008
When will Sage and Snape get together? I'd like to see the dynamics of their relationship. Keep writing.
karlii chapter 7 . 8/12/2008
This is very cool! I hope that Cameron gets it figured out... I know he'll have to get the diary during Ginny's first year, or right before it (hopefully)... but that will change the whole dynamic! Harry might not even learn what parseltongue is... It would seem, that if Harry has to die, to get rid of the horcrux, that Harry will still have to do a bit of all that hero shite, to get to that point, eh? OR... will Cameron figure something out, due to his research on the Dark Mark? *crosses fingers*

Keep up the good work!
Iago96 chapter 7 . 8/12/2008
Great as usual. When is Cameron going to realise that he doesn't want meaningless sex with other people because he is in love with Severus. I think Severus is already aware of his feelings towards Cameron but poor oblivious Harry is in a state of denile ;D Please keep up with the prompt updates.
Criminally Insane Hermit chapter 6 . 8/12/2008
Well, this is very interesting. I think it's engaging, and I don't mind the time jumps as much as I thought I would. I like this sort of slow going relationship build between Severus and Harry, but I'm frustrated with it as well. Grr... I love the realism but still... Go on boys. You know you want it.


I'm definitely going to stay tuned. I wonder though; how can Harry get all the Horcruxes without killing the timeline? I mean, obviously for him to be in the past he'd need a reason to have gone back in the past in the first place, but if he got rid of all the Horcruxes and stopped the entire war from ending horribly, why would he need to go back in the past? Have you got an explanation for this phenomenon? I suppose you do... You're going to make me wait for it, aren't you?


Anyway, yes. I'm staying tuned, and I can't wait for the next chapter.

karlii chapter 6 . 8/11/2008
ahh... I'm glad Cam got another horcrux... and I am so glad he went on a date! ;-) With another one to come!

Keep up the good work!
momocolady chapter 6 . 8/11/2008
good chapter
momocolady chapter 5 . 8/11/2008
good story
loopycathair chapter 6 . 8/11/2008
OMG! So awesome! you update so fast you rock! lol, sorry this is like the only really interesting snape/harry fanfiction on the entire site! seriously! well thanks so much for updating please keep writing!

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