Reviews for Beside You in Time
Phishouttawatta chapter 25 . 11/11/2024
Crazy that it was just 7 weeks for them. What an amazing moment for sesshomaru to recognize her human sentiments and culture for marriage and to have used that ring. I could only imagine him waiting until the time was correct for them to go finally see her family to propose.

What a wonderfully rich story. Thank you for all your hard work and passion you poured into this.
It was truly a joy (and partial obsession) to read
Phishouttawatta chapter 24 . 11/11/2024
Youre evil for not telling us her wish lmao

But what a great scene
Jewel vs itself

And sesshomaru *would* never say they were mates in words for someone like Kagome who would never ask
So wonderful
Guest chapter 25 . 11/8/2024
I just re read this all maybe for the first time since you blessed us with the final chapter. I’ve actually just read every single piece of your sessxkag writing this week. This was at least my fifth time re reading Once and Future taiyoukai and my first time reading the rest of your stories besides this one. WOW. I don’t know if you even have an inkling of how wildly talented you are, but I hope you do. You should be so proud of your talent.

Reading your journey as a writer, (although I’m sure this is just the tip of the iceberg), is really something. Especially as in the Broken Miko you mentioned you can’t see them together with Inuyasha around. I honestly think your portrayal of Sesshomaru through out everything maybe be one of if not the best to do it. The way you develop his character is practically flawless in every story. Kagome as well, but mastering him is absolutely a different kind of feat. Even reading other fics I long for THIS Sesshoumaru. Pun intended.

I read in a note of one of your stories that you had a fix called tinderbox that you were working on and hope one day we might see it. Especially when every mention of the word in this fic made bells go off in my head wondering what that mysterious untold story must be. If you do one day take up the mantle of tackling another story about these two, I will certainly be there to devour every word.

Until then, I will constantly return to your tales that have already been written for the comforting slow burn you so masterfully pull off. I hope this reaches you well, whether it simply is another review to read or maybe helps magically motivate another story. Take care RosieB. Thank you for sharing all that you have.
Phishouttawatta chapter 23 . 11/3/2024
I’m glad that they were able to get a clue toward their final goal, that they’re trusting Adele more, the stepmother moment, ugh
All of it

May be my fav chapter so far
Phishouttawatta chapter 21 . 10/29/2024
So happy she found him and that finally she got the female shapeshifter. I was worried that it was gonna get drawn out again for them ans torture them longer
Phishouttawatta chapter 20 . 10/28/2024
Excuse you, how dare you put something in the middle of chapter that made me wanna submit a review right then, but then had to read a whole nother half of a chapter?! My heart DROPPED and was racing the rest of the time, even during just a conversation.

Finally in one of my favorite time periods :P
River chapter 25 . 10/24/2024
I remember reading this YEARS ago and it randomly popped into my head the other day. Couldn't remember if I'd finished it or not so I decided to look for it and read it again. So glad I did. Worth all of the procrastination lol. Such amazing work, thank you for this.
kag chapter 25 . 10/23/2024
Hey Rosie, I can't believe this is wrapped up. Thank you for your hard work over the past decade. I remember following this since Paris and I was in middle school/high school at the time. Now I graduated from college. Thank you for the happy ending we all deserved, especially Kagome and Sesshoumaru.
Phishouttawatta chapter 15 . 9/28/2024
I’m so happy the dots finally got connected, but bummer it was at the expense of sesshomaru’s ego

We kinda need him to maintain that lol

I am with him—I *also* am perturbed by Kagome’s response
Obv she would have matured and grown, but also her nature is to follow her emotions, and it almost seemed like taking care of Sesshomaru meant she ignored her own

I donno
Maybe I’m overthinking
Phishouttawatta chapter 14 . 9/23/2024
Phew I was expecting the couple to be a trap to make them let their gaurd down

Glad they were able to get some info
Phishouttawatta chapter 7 . 9/20/2024
Ugh married to logic indeed…. until he’s married to Kagome, that is
Phishouttawatta chapter 4 . 9/19/2024
I don’t remember the last time a story made me cry. So…. good job? Lol
Phishouttawatta chapter 3 . 9/19/2024
Awww and left Oscar behind?
Phishouttawatta chapter 2 . 9/19/2024
Oh! This is not what I expedted to happen at al! Super cool and now makes me consider a story of thr inu gang hunting down naraku all over the world, stopping in London where he was jack the ripper
Phishouttawatta chapter 1 . 9/19/2024
Id love to know if Sesshomaru maybe did use Tenseiga on Kagome, if this would have affected kikyo (and she’d obv be aware), all sorts of things

Love a good first chapter that makes me think!
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