Reviews for Artemis Fowl: The Book of Ages
Lli chapter 43 . 1/4/2011
Well, shit. Oh man, if this is epically sad at the end, after all this, I am going to ball my bloody eyes out.
RandomAxHshipper chapter 45 . 1/3/2011
please do an epolouge. PLEASE! i need more AxH! and i am sure a lot of people agree!
silverphoenix chapter 45 . 1/3/2011
Thank you so much for one the most amazing pieces of fanfiction I've ever read. In fact, calling BoA fanfiction seems a bit insulting because this is good enough to be a real novel. A lot of time, dedication, and research must have went into this project and it shows. This was a perfect blend of action, comedy, romance, and tragedy and nothing was overdone (really liked the A/H in this fic, not too cliche, but still sweet). I also enjoyed the various OCs, such as the AF character alternates. Alternate Minerva is so much better than the original, you actually made me like her. Again, thanks (even if you did kill No1 and Qwan).
Durch.Leiden.Freude chapter 45 . 1/3/2011

it finally ended! WOW! the epicness of it!

it's sad but beautiful :3 I love it! thank you for this awesome fic, I had a nice ride with it

can't wait for your next upcoming stories

you have potential! I know you can be big in the real world as a professional author! ;]
Shadic999 chapter 45 . 1/3/2011
OH MA GAWD that was totally worth starying up till 4:30 in the morning reading on my dsi. But i totally think you should do a sequel and I wwas thinking something along the lines of ghost images of the other timeline apperaing in their "fixed" one on the basis of there was limbo that they escaped to to avoid the original temporal flux... Just, and as much of my fourteen yearold hormones are demanding, you should make Artys and Hollys relationship alot deeper [and I could make a lemon, with your permission of course, hint hint.] But I am seriously the sentimental type who got sad twilight ended so if there is any way that i could help keep this story alive just tell me. Bottom line is that this story could become a trilogy or something to that effect and it would be fun working with such a great author as yourself. Anyway i think you can go to my page get my email if you are interested, otherwise you made a sleep-deprived-probably-slightly-tipsy-teen very depressed. So on that awkward note i will hope to have a reasonable coversation with you.


MrB145 chapter 45 . 1/2/2011
Just awesome.
Shadic999 chapter 21 . 1/2/2011
I believe you about his name and the phreaking thing i didnt understand until you explained it and then it made me think of the blue box in pirates of silicon valley. But yes indeed it does work even now adays but of course the sound you used had to carry a recognizable program that when changed into binary format would be a program that when interpreted is read. Very complicated at best
Shadic999 chapter 19 . 1/2/2011
mwahaha the finger gun! That made my day! remember what happened to that pixie who was picking his nose with it on? XP Any way im lovin the story even if i only have my dsi to read it on...
GingerQuery chapter 45 . 1/2/2011
I can honestly say it's been an enjoyable ride. :) I greatly appreciate the work and desire you've put into this. I really do hope you continue this fan-world you've made and subsequently unmade, but I'd gladly read anything you write so long as it's in a fandom I can follow. Whether or not it is is nothing I can control. And If it happens not to be, well maybe I'll pick up that book/movie/show just so I can follow along.

Again, wonderful job, and I'd love to see more from you. This is talent you have sir, to weave a story so convincing Colfer himself would be stupid not to endorse it.
TickleTheToast chapter 45 . 1/2/2011
First, may I say congratulations on your amazing story's epic finite and your supply of over ONE THOUSAND reviews. Positively astounding and very well deserved.

Fantastic skew of an ending, by the way. You have a knack for seeing all the possibilities of any situation.

But poor Qwan and No1 and L-C Holly...That said, I have a question. If No1 died then, then does that mean that Artemis's mother dies in the future? Or did this keep Opal from returning as well? Oh, wait...nevermind, I just remembered. If there was no way to go back, then there would have been no need to go back, which means that the two Opals would have never come to be. Fantastic.

You have blown my mind in the best way possible; thank you so much for creating this amazing story.

Keep writing!

Narcissa-Weasly chapter 37 . 1/2/2011
aretiredfowl chapter 45 . 1/2/2011
That story was absolutely amazing, with a near perfect ending. ((Is screaming, "NO1!")) Cute. I love the last line. I kind of figured that the other Holly would do that. (shrug)

CrimsonKobalt chapter 45 . 1/2/2011
This really is the best story out there for me, your writing is as good as Colfer himself, and you don't lack imagination either! I really hope you continue writing, and many other people probably will too. Will there be an epilogue? Maybe with the explanation to Foaly and the rest of the LEP why there is a living Holly and a dead Holly, who the two demon warlocks are, and how the People will react to Holly kissing Artemis...

keep on writing!

Narcissa-Weasly chapter 45 . 1/2/2011
This has been a really good and intresting story, even if it's geting complicated a lots of times.
Narcissa-Weasly chapter 43 . 1/2/2011
Oh no, this can't end good.
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