Reviews for Highly Improbable
LondonAfterDark chapter 1 . 5/11/2016
This is officially my head!canon.
Mediaeval Scribe chapter 1 . 4/12/2016
Wonderful! And so much better characterized than the movie!
Snowstorm Symphony chapter 1 . 3/13/2014
That was fantastic! I've actually just watched Young Sherlock Holmes, and despaired over the fact there was no fic for it, but I think you pulled their introduction off even better than in the movie.

Really LOVED this to bits!
BakerStreetIsLastRefugeOfHope chapter 1 . 12/17/2011
Very funny.
AdidasandPie chapter 1 . 5/2/2010
I love how you had Watson observing and describing the people's countenance like he does in the canon. Even as a boy, eh?
Really nice.
NutsBolts chapter 1 . 10/19/2008
Love the story. Holmes is adorable. Although you have lessened my opinian of Holmes I never thought that he could get a deduction
Sapphire Warrioress chapter 1 . 8/14/2008
Great story, really creative and unique. As you said, highly unlikely, but its fun to think of Holmes and Watson meeting and solving a case together without knowing the impact they will have in the future.

Awesome job.
Pompey chapter 1 . 8/13/2008
LOL - some things never change! Watson's bad acting skills, for one. Holmes's penchant for theatrics, for another!
The Fool's Hope chapter 1 . 8/13/2008

It's so brilliant! Everything just works perfectly-you can totally imagine that this is exactly what they would have been like. This is just so fantastic!
Velvet Green chapter 1 . 8/13/2008
ROTFL - Oh my, this is just plain _priceless_! The plot is hilarious, and despite the situation, you manage to keep them both in character wonderfully.

"I could not help but wonder if he was some sort of runaway orphan or kidnapped royalty from far away." - Oh, Watson - ever the romantic, even at that age... :)

"His countenance went abruptly from delight to shock to complete indignation. "What the devil do you mean nearly?"" - LOL

Better stop quoting now, or there'll be half the story here ;)
Volume-Of-A-book chapter 1 . 8/13/2008
THAT WAS AWSOME! Wow Vi, ha ha ha I loved it, great writing, Holmes and Watson are both so well done, so in charactor I was shivering! ha ha ha! fantastic!
pebbles66 chapter 1 . 8/13/2008
Wonderful! How in the world did you come up with the idea of having Holmes and Watson meet as boys - and solve a case, too? This was really great!
DeletedAccountKCS chapter 1 . 8/13/2008
Mkay, why the heck did they let Spielberg direct Young Sherlock Holmes and not you?

*hugs* That was so flipping adorable I nearly drew unwanted attention from my family by squealing and grinning like a loon at the computer screen.

I love all the little details you have in there that show what those peculiarities will grow into in our boys later in life. And young Watson thinking (quite seriously) that young Holmes is simply out of his head is hysterical.

You're a pal, Vi, and thank you so much, it made my morning!

*goes back to re-read* Oh, and I'll have a chapter for TWH up soon as I finish reading. :)
MoonlitPuddle chapter 1 . 8/13/2008
Lol, great! _

Both Holmes and Watson's dialogue was quiet surprising, given their ages, but whatever!

Such a telling last line... _~
Protector of the Gray Fortress chapter 1 . 8/12/2008
Oh brilliant! I've always wanted to read something like this! And really, who hasn't thought about what they'd be like if they'd met as kids.

And as ever Violet, your writing is fantastic in its imagery and characters and flow. I can picture all of it clearly in my mind...either that or it just sort of leaps off hte page and becomes real, either way I get to see it happening.

I love especially that they are still, very much Holmes and Watson even at such young ages. Seeing the boys that became the men, Fantastic!

Well done.