Reviews for Doomed to Repeat
Jenny chapter 25 . 4/11/2018
I love this fic so freaking much! Everyone was in character! I love Kaeru and his backstory and his decision making and personality and how he thinks and how he's looking after himself and being a good older brother to young Naruto and the suspicion of the homage and Kakashi and everybody was cool too. And how he was like "you tested the wrong DNA!" Omg. I loved that scene! I really loved the writing it was so good. I kept waiting to see what would happen next, how could Kaeru change things? How would he fight Zabuza without access to his chakra? I loved the seal stuff too! Thank you so much for writing this!
KagomeGirl021 chapter 25 . 12/8/2017
It's been just short of 5 years since the last update. Please please write more soon! I want to see Kaeru live and his seals fixed. I want to see him change the future and make naruto stronger. I also want to see sasuke not go bad and their team become better than the Sannin with Kaeru beside them helping along the way. Please please update soon!
Animago chapter 4 . 11/7/2017
Kaeiru. Honroso.
Animago chapter 3 . 11/7/2017
Doze anos! Que merda! Li essa fanfiction por é time traveller, mas não queria que fosse doze anos atrás. Porém estava me acostumando com a ideia da kushina viva e tudo. Mas agora vem o choque. É doze. Anos. depois.
Cute Kirby chapter 24 . 10/27/2017
Pssst. Hey, hey you. You should give me more of this. I wants it, precious.

At this particular moment, what I want is Izumo and Kotestsu's reactions after they find out Kaeru's given them the slip.
Toby chapter 25 . 10/25/2017
This story is great. I can't wait to read the next chapter!
Rangle chapter 4 . 9/21/2017
Wow, reading this after knowing the canon ending for Naruto, he's even more pathetic in this version. LMAO.
MadaMag chapter 25 . 9/11/2017
Hey, a chapter as a closure for us?
Adelene900 chapter 25 . 9/2/2017
Oh Come On!

You practically left us with a cliffhangers!
I'm dying to see what happen when Kaeru does meet with Oro-kun!
Plasma Dragon 312 chapter 3 . 8/31/2017
Will the little Naruto find out who Kaure is? Find out next time on Naruto!
Laialy chapter 25 . 7/21/2017
Wahhhh dude please update it's been yeaaaarssss
Laialy chapter 21 . 7/21/2017
...Busted xD
manga.geek.3 chapter 25 . 7/20/2017
Oh man, this is the second time I've read your story (mostly because I read it and forgot to favorite it and it's been lost since. but I recently found this story again! :D) and you have GOT to come back to finishing this story. Seriously. This story... it feels like it could be realistic. The way you wrote this made it seem super believable to me. And the way you write is so... angsty and yet, light. I don't know if that makes sense, but yeah... I hope one day you come back to this because it's amazing.
Laialy chapter 3 . 7/19/2017
ERMAHGAWD...I strangely I did not expect that...
thinkofanyname chapter 5 . 7/9/2017
It's weird that sasuke is wondering why kaeru knows he's an uchiha when he has the clan symbol plastered on his back like a bright red target. Also no one mentions that the sandaime refers to iruka as umino so technically he shouldn't even know that iruka is his name or that he's a chuunin. On the other hand Kakashi is super famous so he should be used to enemies and allies recognising him on sight. He wasnt surprised at all when zabuza recognised him after all.
Sorry the details were bothering me but good job on the story so far
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