Reviews for Nova Shots
PhantomOfProcrastination chapter 26 . 10/25/2020
This one is so spicy, I love it! Quality tutorial, very fresh, and definitely interesting. Ty for sharing!
PhantomOfProcrastination chapter 86 . 10/24/2020
Oh gosh. This Lost one is. I don't even know how to express what this made me feel. I'm... Frustrated? Delighted? Horrified? I'm in shock, that's what this is. Wonderful story, feels very much like a nice lil pocket I can bury myself in. I'm sure I will be rereading this in the future. I'm very grateful that this stiry exists. Thank you so much for sharing!
Slingerapen chapter 99 . 12/18/2019
Your attention to detail is incredible. You write your characters in such a human way, and the science behind ghost anatomy and labwork reads so logical. Always a pleasure to read your stuff.
Guest chapter 99 . 12/3/2019
10 years of drabbles... that’s amazing.
icecatfire chapter 84 . 9/9/2019
O.o ... I wonder which one will take longer to happen, Danny forgiving his parents or Jack and Maddie forgiving THEMSELVES when they realize Phantom is DANNY.
icecatfire chapter 21 . 9/9/2019
Danny, I LOVE you. x''''''''''D *Hugs the poor frustrated guy ... and the confused/shocked teacher* :p
CaitlinWells chapter 94 . 8/25/2019
Holy shit I like this one! It's the only one I can recall where Vlad isn't technically the bad guy! I almost want to see the present he's thrust into. Is he thrust into it with memories? Because as soon as he lands in his present, memories should totally flood his mind of his past, overwriting what he previously knew. Or, not overwriting it, just filling his mind so he has to sort out what USE to be and what IS
CaitlinWells chapter 73 . 8/24/2019
I really enjoy your writing style and these little drabbles but I'm getting so sick of how you write Vlad.
OverlordChocolate chapter 89 . 7/15/2019
UGH I NEED MORE OF THIS ONE! Do you plan to continue this or somebody else? It would be a great story. Just like a sequel for Jury Judge and Excecutioner would . Your stories are so meaningfull and short but powerfull that I want more from all of them yeesh
Guest chapter 15 . 6/5/2019
Fun fact. The poles have more ice today than when this was written. Global warming?
lilaclily00 chapter 99 . 5/14/2019
I feel so hard for Danny here. I struggled so bad with doing dissections in school even when I knew that the little piggy was dead beyond dead. Fantastic and relatable writing!
Rahne-Aamar chapter 99 . 4/1/2019
I downloaded this as something to listen to with a reader app and I remembered most of it until like 80 some and then I had no idea that there was "new" ones. I don't know how I missed it but I had loved the story where Danny was trapped as Phantom lost in the woods with this parents and had no idea it was completed. And then I checked out my old email and it said hey, this story was updated in 2019 and I was like... She's still updating it ? AWESOME. I love your work! Hope to see new stories. I'm listening to Pits now and it's still such a good story.
Asilla chapter 99 . 3/29/2019
So haunting and amazingly written! Thank you!
Lilith Jae chapter 61 . 3/26/2019
You gave Kim Vlad and you gave Danny Evil!Tucker and Drakken? Like, why? I just... They're both gonna have the time of their lives beating these nemeses. Kim doesn't have ghost powers and Danny can't beat up Tucker. Oh man, I love this!
Nienor chapter 99 . 3/23/2019
Good to see you back Cordria! I love the moral debate in that one, as well as the attention to detail. Who was right, I wonder? Neither of them? As much as I love reading your work, I do hope you get better!
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