LoveInTheBattleField chapter 23 . 3/2/2019
Great story, I hope you come back and finish it!
Melanie B chapter 23 . 11/11/2018
"Eleven a.m., November eleven, the year two thousand eighteen", I hoped the story would get closure. Thank you for writing it all the same, no happy ending as promised but: one of best stories here. Worth telling, spirited and astute.
Melanie B chapter 1 . 11/11/2018
"Eleven a.m., November eleven, the year two thousand eighteen", I hoped the story would get closure. Thank you for writing it all the same.
Windchimed chapter 4 . 8/12/2018
Thank you to the earlier reviewer who mentioned this story has a lot of similarities to the movie version of "Random Harvest" by James Hilton. That makes me feel better about reading it in its unfinished state. I figure I can check the movie out to get the HEA I like at the end of a good story.
Windchimed chapter 1 . 8/11/2018
This is off to an excellent start so far. Your writing is beautiful and flawless.
I'm A Cuckoo chapter 23 . 7/17/2018
Wow, that last review in April is really thoughtful, right? I can't let that be the last review you receive for this story!
I have to admit though, when I clocked it wasn't finished (it took till Chapter 18, I'm slow on the uptake!), I was gutted! And now I'm sad I've finished the available chapters!
It's so well written, and exactly how I'd imagine privileged people in the 1920s would be like. I loved that no-one was clear cut. Anne and Mr Collins were a very pleasant surprise! I also loved this portrayal of Elizabeth and how compassionate she was, and how understanding of other people's whims and flaws she was. It felt like a very realistic interpretation of what a post-war Lizzy would be like.
The plot could have been cliched but it doesn't feel it somehow, probably because of the depth of detail you add to each character.
I know 6 years is a bit of a break and this has most likely been abandoned but I'll give it a follow anyway!
And I hope this has made up for the completely crap review a "guest" was gracious enough to leave you!
Cuckoo xx
Guest chapter 23 . 4/16/2018 suck for quitting.
Guest chapter 23 . 2/5/2018
Stumbled upon this gem and enjoyed what I read. Hope you decide to complete it someday.
NotACursedChild chapter 4 . 9/24/2017
Nooooo he cannot forget her
elizahal chapter 23 . 12/13/2016
It's a lovely story, one I wish was finished. Too bad.
Austione chapter 23 . 7/20/2016
Aw just got to the end and it's by the end :). Love the characters, usually they have much less dimension to them and you have made them interesting individuals-especially the supporting cast. Dying to know what happens between Lizzy and Darcy. Hope you will return to this soon,
Austione chapter 6 . 7/19/2016
Enjoying this story-curious to see how Will will end up personality-wise. The sections with Collins, Caroline, Lady Catherine were less interesting/a little longer than the extent we care about those characters, but well thought out as to their individual stories. Poor Lizzy!
alliekiwi chapter 23 . 6/14/2016
I don't usually enjoy P&P stories outside of the Regency time period. However, this one was quite entertaining. I laughed at how horrid you made Caroline Bingley. I do hope you come back some time and continue this.
Jansfamily4 chapter 23 . 2/11/2016
This is a happy ending to you? This is NO ending. Good story but ended unfinished
Sandhya chapter 23 . 2/8/2016
Oh my goodness, please update this! U are so, so good and this story is so deep and fulfilling to read! A beautiful and heartbreaking story through and through, and each character is full of depth and colour. I love how u weave ur story. Please do write more! I need to see the ending. It's too good to be left at this.
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