Reviews for Naruto: Captured
Qriiz chapter 11 . 5/30
Sasuke bashing, eh?
Hilariously enough, this Sasuke is closer to canon Naruto than canon Sasuke.
Rundivyn chapter 26 . 4/23
Is this going to be continued?
tmntlover2013 chapter 26 . 3/25
Great job on the story I can’t wait to read more
Zeke Hooper chapter 26 . 1/1
liked the story. wish it was longer.
Guest chapter 26 . 11/30/2023
can't wait for more
The Flash of the leaf chapter 19 . 11/12/2023
There are a few flaws in the logic but then again it has never been specifically stated in the anime if ninjas without chakra are equal to normal people
SanadaTenchi chapter 6 . 5/9/2023
Man I remember favoriting this story years ago and stop reading around this chapter. Coming back and seeing the growth is astonding. I hope you continue this, other wise good job and thanks for the flash backs to highschool days finding this story in computer lab lol
my 2 guys chapter 26 . 3/6/2023
that was great keep the chapters coming
yindragonkiba chapter 26 . 3/4/2023
Love it thus far can’t wait for more been trying to find this again for a couple yrs fell in love with the story last time I read it was only till the invasion
Guest chapter 26 . 1/25/2023
Did you die? Did you accidentally delete what you had written, and decided to give up? What happened? I love/loved this fic, I'm not saying you *Should* get back to writing this, but I am saying you should at least tell us why you stopped.
Dasgun chapter 1 . 12/1/2022
Pinkypi chapter 15 . 11/1/2022
Naruto and Sakura became the Hero's because their specific chase caused a massive road block for Suna forces. On an unknown note Ino who is apparently getting along with Gara in their minds is the hidden Hero because she prematurely stopped the Jinchuuriki and removed their secondary signal when the Sand missed the first.
Pinkypi chapter 5 . 11/1/2022
What they're doing is using the basic soldier training to get them acclimated to a follow orders mentality before drawing them in to put them through the training to actually break them into what Danzo wants. By being harsher with their two top Root candidates they're trying to reinforce that even further.
Chat Nihiliste chapter 26 . 4/28/2022
It's a shame that you decided to leave this fic in the middle, please continue it!
Dracoessa Draga chapter 11 . 1/25/2022
oh eff off UKE.
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