Reviews for The San Francisco Treat
storyfan101 chapter 1 . 9/9/2008
San Francisco has to be one of my favorite cities. I'm glad that the judge found a way for Mark to enjoy it too.

I thoroughly enjoy early stories, with the two guys figuring each other out. You do them so well. Fabulous story, thanks for sharing.
Tharin chapter 1 . 9/7/2008
Nice story. I was laughing at Mark's “You know the people? Judge, we’re hundreds of miles from home; just how many people do you know?”

Hardcastle said something about "Don't worry, I won't take you to Alcatraz". My first thought was: Hey, but you *did* visit Alcatraz! It took me a minute to realize that it had happened in some other fanfic :-)
302pilot chapter 1 . 9/5/2008
Ah, a treat indeed! I just loved this exchange:

“You know the people?” McCormick said, following along quickly. “Judge, we’re hundreds of miles from home; just how many people do you know?”

“A lot,” Hardcastle said lightly, “people from all over. You think it’s strange that I know a restaurant owner from San Francisco, huh? Imagine how people are gonna feel when I tell ’em I know a race car driver from Jersey.”

In one comment, the judge made Mark feel like he wasn't just an ex-con. and I think in that moment it just might have dawned on McCormick that perhaps he could put alot of his past behind him and kinda start over. Such a great read-thank you so much for sharing it with us!
Georgi1961 chapter 1 . 9/5/2008
Loved it! Loved it! LOVED IT! I, too, really enjoy the early stories where our boys are working out their relationship and exploring what they do and why they do it. I liked especially that Hardcastle took matters into his own hands to provide Mark with a truly memorable experience-not because he felt guilty-but because he wanted him to have a different memory of the city.

Jaz22 chapter 1 . 9/5/2008
Wow. That was a treat indeed, just what I needed at the end of a day. Nobody does the early days of these two better than you, and I enjoyed every (all too brief) moment of going along for the ride. I love the way you capture every nuance of these two guys working so hard to understand each other and finding maybe it's not so hard after all.

Never been to San Francisco, but I definitely feel like I've been missing something now.
JeanneZ84 chapter 1 . 9/5/2008

I can not tell you how much these stories make my day.

I enjoy each and everyone of know I have told you in the past how much I enjoy reading your stories.

This was such a marvelous one from the beginning of there partnership/Friendship starting.

Hardcastle was so willing to do something that the kid would like to do and he wanted to get the kid to start relaxing around him.

I just loved this story and again I could picture everything.

I do remember this as well from the CDFanzine for THe Star For Brian Keith.

Just wonderful though I read all of the stories before I also look forward to reading them again.

L.M.Lewis chapter 1 . 9/5/2008
I confess, I have only the fondest memories of San Francisco, but now this adds to them. It's that real. And while Hardcastle may hate being tentative, every line in this piece-dialog and narrative-is essential. I've always noticed that in your writing-the way seemingly graceful meanderings are really, on closer examination, full of purpose.

Oh, and I'd so much rather see you writing more of this than doing all that endless touch-up stuff on the book.
owlcroft chapter 1 . 9/5/2008
This is hardly an unbiased review, so I make my excuses ahead of time. I loved this! It's not just that it brings back memories of San Francisco or that banter is fabulous - “Hey, are you really gonna tell people I’m a race car driver?” “Nah, I’ll probably just tell them you’re a pain in the butt, but the driving thing might come up.” - the whole story is just so totally in character.

Too often, we read about the hissy fits and the antagonism; okay, that's understandable. And too often, we get the sentimental, emotional pieces. Maybe that's understandable, too. But in canon these guys hit it off pretty much immediately and this story shows that, in a beautifully-written and understated way that grabs the reader right off and never lets go.

I once said I'd have to think which of this writer's stories was my favorite. I've changed my mind twice, but this is The One and I'm sticking to it!
e-pony chapter 1 . 9/4/2008
I've never been to San Fran, Cheride, but now I feel like I've seen at least a bit. Some nice desription here. But I really like the dialog, which brings the judge and Mark to life.
