Reviews for Vindictive Angels
Katie chapter 15 . 11/11/2011
i love this story! i really want ellie and sting together for some reason! it think it would be so cute!
suns and stars chapter 15 . 7/23/2010
good job
Rainbow Warrior chapter 15 . 7/22/2010
yaaaayyyyyy! I liked it! Alot. I can't ait for the prequelll. Its going to be weird to have her be called Lina. it's just such a pretty girly name, Ellie seems more... idk.. I guess I just got used to Ellie. Maybe because it gets shortened to Elle? What yould Lina be shortened to?

Loved It! :D
The Rainbow Warrior chapter 14 . 5/23/2010
Awwwwww, what I cute ending 3 I loved it 3 I can't wait for the epilogu 3
ThisIsNot-Music chapter 14 . 5/14/2010
Omg, I have been waiting for this FOREVER! I probably have been reading this story since it first started, but I never posted a review until now because of who knows why. I'm kind of internally pissed 'cuz Ellie wants to leave TNA (does she not know how crappy the Divas division has become?), but hey, a change of scenery is always nice. I like how she and Sting patched up their awkward relationship too . . . Anyway, this story has been awesome to read. I can't wait for the epilogue!
suns and stars chapter 14 . 5/13/2010
been awhile love though sting is still my favourite
i luv hardy chapter 13 . 4/12/2010
just found this and I love it!

can't wait 2 c wat happens with the tag match :D
David boreanaz's wife247 chapter 13 . 2/2/2010
i'm loving this i miss sting
Rainbow Warrior chapter 13 . 1/12/2010
Rar those stupid BP bitches! They are going to get beat down, or at least they better!

O what's this with Elle and Sting? Slightly strange and almost stalkerish... but still very interesting, how does Sting know that Elle got attacked?

Good chapter, can't wait for the next! :-)
Caged Sparkle Black chapter 1 . 12/5/2009
I thought that this introduction was impressively well written. I love the character interaction and development. There was a lot of information in this chapter, yet it did not overwhelm it. Spectacular job!

If the following chapters are half as good as this introduction, then this story shall be one of the best Christian, and possibly in general, ever.

I am unsure how this story went undetected from my inner Christian radar, especially since this has been posted for more than a year. Oh well, the mistake has now been remedied, as I will follow this story until completion or updates stop.

Again spectacular job,

- Caged Sparkle Black -
The Rainbow Warrior chapter 12 . 12/4/2009
Hey! This chapter was good, not as action packed but still good. I look forward to the plane ride in the next chapter. Are there going to be insane stewardess? I think that would be funny if there were...

Look forward to reading the next chapter!
Sting has a hidden agenda! I know it! It's all a plot to brainwash everyone at TNA and take over... even thought they already did that...

I think I know why Jim isn't booking the match, because once that match is over, I bet the story will be over. KEEP POSTPONING IT JIM! I like this story!
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