Reviews for Making It Work
Panana99 chapter 2 . 6/24/2021
Oh MYYYY this trio is just soooo ugh 3 so funny xD
Brenda Joyeux chapter 14 . 5/13/2021
Lol and thank you for sharing.
Brenda Joyeux chapter 13 . 5/13/2021
How could Aerith looked so open minded and innocent without looking like a pervert?
Brenda Joyeux chapter 10 . 5/13/2021
Okay I have a weird question ? How is it possible for Zack and Sephiroth's essences being in Cloud's head and still acted normally ?
Brenda Joyeux chapter 2 . 5/12/2021
I'm loving it.
Nemhain2009 chapter 14 . 3/2/2021
Great story! Funny ending :)
Zanahoriabaila chapter 14 . 7/19/2020
This was freaking hot, epic and a perfectly lovely sexy way of fixing it. And Aeris rocks (and I can't still stop laughing at Zack dishing it so hard at the beginning, and then getting the gay-panic when shit got serious). That last bit was a terribly entertaining way of taking a peak at the future, and I really liked how you wrote Zack's intelligent jester POV's throughout the story (I liked predatory Sephiroth's and stalwart stubborn Cloud's too, but that one really applied to the end, and the beginning point).

Excellent romp this. Thanks for sharing with us
NotYourDamsel chapter 14 . 8/24/2019
Hahahhahahahahholy shit i can totally see Reno participating in that shitfest of offerings
Fallen-Yuki chapter 5 . 8/19/2018
I'm dead. RIP me. I anticipated the sleeping thing but didn't even consider a shower. Omg.

Fallen-Yuki chapter 3 . 8/19/2018
I was a little skeptical on this but this chapter convinced me. I like it a lot. I like the concept as well.
Lily chapter 14 . 4/10/2018
If you do go ahead with writing Zack sleeping with SephCloud in a threesome; would you terribly mind putting up in the A/N a warning and please forewarn us if your going to change the pairing. Please? I would gracefully bow out and wish you the best of luck from reading the rest of the story. Since, it's not my cup of tea, lass. 3

It's just hard to find good, well-written SephCloud fics being the main pairings. Of course, there's the iconic and big name fics that everyone knows. But there hasn't been any new quality blood lately, which is a pity for this fandom. However, I have stumbled upon yours, so I should keep crossing my fingers then hopefully. There's still a chance. Anyway, good luck. 3
Lily chapter 13 . 4/10/2018
Aerith and Zack are so adorable together, though I feel like Zack no matter how attracted he his to Seph and Cloud wouldn't sleep with them; he's a principled guy and has strong loyalty to his chosen mate. It fits his character.
Anyway, love this chappie as it answered certain ties.
Lily chapter 12 . 4/10/2018
I love your writing and I know you usually write Seph/Cloud/Zack mainly, but I really would adore reading this story with SephCloud as the main pairing.

Your an incredible writer and I look forward to Cloud's family lineage mystery and the powers that come from it. Since, he was able to master Cura. The portrayals are also spot-on and perfect. Good luck. 3
guest chapter 14 . 1/1/2018
nice! and you did a good deed and killed hojo! :-)
eisu chapter 1 . 6/9/2017
this fic is perfect because:
-) non-time travel Good Ending AU
-) CloudSeph
-) Jenova and Hojo dead
-) librarian(?) Cloud
it's a shame that it was just a fanfic, not canon. I still angry with the game because too much WTF.
Ya know, when Zack met Vincent sceen I thought they looks cute as a pair, or bros. But then I remember Aerith and I honestly can't hate her. She just so perfect with Zack.
Aww I want to see Vincent's interaction with Cloud and Seph, but you already 'end' this fic... it already 7 years since your last chap, and it nearly impossible if you really want to make another bonus chap.
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