Reviews for Your Heart Remained the Same
Melody Taylor chapter 1 . 12/8/2021
So heartbreaking. Living forever is not all it is cracked up to be.

I once readhumans live on forever, in the faces of their children.

Bella was so scared of dying that she never got to live.
EdwardsMate4ever chapter 1 . 12/8/2021
Dang, this tore my heart apart. I hate that Nessie sat next to him sobbing at the end when she'd been distancing herself for so long. Great angst, very believable. Thank you for writing!
Rainha Ellizabeth chapter 1 . 10/27/2021
this is fantastic, you're a great writer!
TheUltimaterewriter chapter 1 . 4/9/2021
Oh wow this was absolutely exquisite and beautiful 10/10. I've always wanted to read a fanfic like this. The love between Bella and Jacob was written so beautifully, I love it. When I was first reading Twilight as a child, I loved the concept of being eternally young and beautiful. But now that I'm an adult, I realize that it's sort of horrifying, living as everyone you ever cared about dies slowly, being cold, never feeling real relief (crying, sleeping, etc).

But even as a kid first reading Twilight, I hated the concept of imprinting. To me it's not romantic to love someone out of obligation, because you have to. I hate soulmate AU's for a similar reason, I want characters to be with each other because they choose to be with them. I want love that is cultivated, and grows with time, like a well nourished flower. Imprinting is being forced to be with someone against your will, and being forced to be happy about it. And all to what end? Producing biologically strong children? Isn't it so much more powerful to fall slowly for someone, to be their best friend? To wake one day and realize that it doesn't even matter if they don't feel the same for you, as long as they are laughing and happy it doesn't really matter. IDK I THINK I got sidetracked lmaoooooo. Anyways thank you for this story. Brilliant.
Webster403 chapter 1 . 1/18/2021
Simply beautiful. So heartbreaking but so eloquently done. I’m truly in awe by this. Beautiful work. ️
Lucyferina chapter 1 . 1/18/2021
So sad so true
Jaycie Victory chapter 1 . 11/14/2020
This still remains one of my favourite pieces of writing ever.

It is so beautiful and haunting.

I've been watching a brilliant YouTube series deconstructing Twilight, and I can't help but keep sharing this fic with all the people horrified by imprinting who need cartharsis.

Someone else recently recognised my name on a Buffy YouTube video, because of your author notes, and asked if I'd beta'd for you. They asked me to pass on to you their thanks and what an extraordinary writer you are.

You're so much more talented than you think. I know I fell away as a beta, (I actually did a load but then became obsessed with the idea I needed to finish the whole thing before sending, and then life and anxiety got in the way), but if you ever want me to carry on or look at something new, I would be honoured. Either way, I hope you keep writing 3 3
Anon chapter 1 . 11/7/2020
One of the best fanfics I’ve ever read
Guest chapter 1 . 10/22/2020
I found this as a reccomendation in a YouTube comment section. I loved the twilight series when I was a kid, but now that I’m a young adult I realize how strange the series is and how the idea of imprinting and eternity is actually terrifying. This was a beautiful fanfic, and you did an amazing job capturing the characters. I was in tears by the end, and I loved this so much.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/22/2020
I found this fic recommended on a youtube comment and this was so beautiful. I've never been that into twilight but still this gave me the ending I didn't know I needed. Absolutely stunning. You are a wonderful author
a trace of amber chapter 1 . 9/30/2020
Holy crow. Ouch this hurts and aches and does justice to Jacob in a way he deserved
Queen of the Dark Knight chapter 1 . 9/21/2020
Amazing! Living forever really does seem like a curse and this is such a good take on it!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/10/2020
Their imitation of life is blasphemy. That is absolutely accrue for vamps.

This story is brilliant and thoughtful. My heart hurts for Jake. He was a good person worthy of love by choice, of true love, of the love of a peer. Not an imprint and not a vamp and not a girl who chose a vamp. They aren’t worthy. But that’s what happened, and thank goodness for fanfic trying to ease the pain of an incredibly bad ending for a well loved character. Jake deserved better. Thanks for taking the story to a conclusion that is believable and plausible.
Taytay123456 chapter 1 . 12/3/2019
Well...this broke my heart. So well-written. Horrendously beautiful.
mostardentily chapter 1 . 9/4/2019
This was so sad but so beautiful. I'm crying
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