Reviews for Choices
crokettsgirl chapter 9 . 10/8/2008
Oh no Abby was protecting Tony and poor Tony now has someone else he thinks is his fault. Gibbs not saying a word to him. Tony's really going to fall deeper into his depression now...oh need the next chapter, this was very good. sue
mikesh chapter 9 . 10/8/2008
Geezes! Trying to scare us or something?

Ok just a couple of things:




oh and #4 the shooter needs to be found and killed or at least put into lots of pain!
Cheyenne19 chapter 8 . 10/8/2008
Gibbs is being a Grade A B*d. More so than usual anyway. Cant he see that he's killing Tony? He'll have Tony's blood on his hands if he doesn't shape up.
lucasluvforever chapter 9 . 10/8/2008
Great update update again soon
sorgina13 chapter 9 . 10/8/2008
Wow! What a cliffhanger!
reis64 chapter 9 . 10/8/2008
I like it very well

So long

Take care

Kiss from French
sorgina13 chapter 8 . 10/7/2008
Taken me awhile to get into the story, but now I have I'm enjoying it. Look forward to the next update
FrostyFingers chapter 8 . 10/7/2008
oh boy my poor baby! hope youll write more gibbs tony soon! this is great. only sad thing is that duckys dying... aw my poor tony! gibbs better do something asap. and you as well ;)
shirik chapter 8 . 10/6/2008
tnx for updating- it really made me feel anger - gibbs owe tony his life-instead of thanking him he is killing him?
crokettsgirl chapter 8 . 10/6/2008
Wow, great chapter! The case was handed over and someone is trying to find out why Gibbs team was taken out that way.

I'm glad that Kate spoke to Gibbs the way she did. That everyone knows Tony did the right thing but Tony. Poor guy, giving up he is going to die and not fight, he can't take the guilt and feels he has to die to atone for his sin of not saving them all. I can't wait to read more. Sue
mikesh chapter 8 . 10/6/2008
Ok Ducky needs to wake up now and slap some sense into both Gibbs and Tony
Pissed Off Poet1 chapter 8 . 10/6/2008
eh this chap seemed a little out of character for me. You gave up a lot of information, but instead of telling us,you should show us.
koekiemonster chapter 7 . 10/6/2008
Just love your story. I'm surprised that you don't have more reviews, you deserve a lot more.

I hope Ducky will be alright. For Tony and Gibbs sake.

Please update soon!
chelax91 chapter 7 . 10/6/2008
I love this story! I've been reading it since the beginning, just haven't reviewed! I love the way you've written the guilt that Tony is feeling! Keep up the great work!
crokettsgirl chapter 7 . 10/5/2008
AH! Oh Poor Tony! I know Gibbs is hurting but can't anyone see it's whoever ran them off the roads fault? And what the hell is wrong with Gibbs anyway. Gibbs would be ordering them around to avenge Ducky by finding out who was after them, trying to kill them! Ah, sorry, I'm upset with Gibbs...not that Gibbs shouldn't be upset but he has to get it together and be Gibbs. Abby of all people would know that and do her Abby stuff on him. Ducky is the one that would to but he can't. Abby is the one that has to now. And Kate to back her up if need be. McGee I hate to say it would not stand up to Gibb and neither would Palmer. Tony Can't since he saw and lived it all...and felt badly at the time. Oh man you have to hurry and update this...Ah! Update please I need to see what happens to poor Tony and hope that Abby Gibbs slaps Gibbs into going after who did this and why? Sorry...I love the story, keep it coming...Sue
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