Reviews for Inuyasha Q&A
Dragon girl chapter 9 . 3/5/2011
First off, K? this is more like M. Anyway, to all if you could have any super power what would it be?
babygoo chapter 9 . 12/13/2010
Can i shoot narku the baka brothers (fluffles&kagura) and bitch (kagome) with a mini gun the reason y is because i hate the baka brothers f naraku and that bitch and INUYASHA IS MINE *lunges at inuyasha and glomps/gropes him* AND U CANT HAVE HIM!:-P
babygoo chapter 3 . 12/12/2010
i dare naraku, and kagura to jump off the tallest building u can find and on the way down say I FCK A GUINEA PIG o and fluffy why are you a dick smile for once u ass
DC.Lewis chapter 9 . 8/12/2010
Guess who has questions and dares~?

To tell you the truth, I wasn't going to do a dare, but I decided to.

Okay, first to get the dare out of the way: This is for Kagome and Inuyasha. I Kagome to dress up in a fancy-shmancy tux and I was Inuyasha to dress up in an olden type ugly red dress. xDDD Then I want you to sing to each other, "Anything you can do I can do better" Kagome playing as the male, and Inuyasha as the female. xDDD

Onto questions:

1) How would Sesshomaru feel if I stole your fluffy? :3

2) This is for everyone: This is not a question. :o

3) Inuyasha, do you hate me? :D

4) Miroku, why do you like asking the females you meet if they will bare your children? Do you really WANT to take care of children? If so, you are a fucking wacko. xDDD

5) This is for Koga. Can I pet your tail? :D

6) Hey Kagome, does this rag smell like chloroform to you? -holds up a slightly damp rag and smiles innocently-

7) Inuyasha...heheheh...

8) Do I annoy anyone yet?

9) Shippo can read this question. ... Its not a question. Nvm...

10) ...Hahaha...Inuyasha...-snickers quietly to self-

Anyways, that's all for now. :D I hope you like my comments/questions/dares/whatevertheywere. xDDD Nice job Mizuki -hi5's and poofs into thin air-
InugamiGuru chapter 9 . 11/7/2009
First my prayers for your suffering to end are sent along.

Sesshomaru why do you travel with Jaken?

Sango HOW did you fall for Miroku?

Shippu did you know your name means tail

Inuyasha I dare you to kill Kikyo. Best way to get over her is to kill her right?

Kagome why did you choose sit as the command for the beads?

Bankoutsu why do like your sword? & I dare you to kill the Band of Seven not including you.

Now a dare for Sesshomaru. I dare you to not complain about the next chapters questions. If you do... well i'll leave it to your imagination. BTW so idiots like Inu, Kouga, & a few others are i'm a dude.

Take care & I hope your suffering is short. Namu.
M-to-the-J Productions chapter 9 . 2/1/2009
JJ: Haha, Jabreel's funneh. xD

Mi-mama: ...

JJ: ... Hey, I only have on Q, nothing else. Kagome... (dramatic pause here) ...

You really love to hurt Inu-Pup, doncha? XD That's all I wanted to say, other than I LOVED THIS EPISODE-CHAPTER THING! ...

Now if only I could update mine...
UNseated4TH chapter 9 . 1/31/2009
I got some fresh new dares! Woot!

Random fact: Flufy is now Fluffy-butt

-Inuyasha- steal a trolley from a supermarket and get Fluffy-butt to run you all over town in it. Is fun :D

-Naraku- Dress in 1800s women garb and ride down the street side-saddle on a white horse whilst singing 'oh, what a beautiful morning' from the oklahoma musical. (See, Inu? It wasn't you this time ;))

-Koga- lick Inuyasha's foot

-Fuffy-Butt: Let me pet the fluffy! :D
Tempest78 chapter 9 . 1/31/2009
pretty cute, Okay i'll bite, Bankotsu what is your favorite song and why? And describe your ideal dream gal.

Hakudoshi, do you like Kanna or Rin, and why?
M-to-the-J Productions chapter 8 . 12/3/2008
JJ: Hi!

Mi-mama: I say Sesshomaru wins it.

JJ: ... So impatient today... Anyways, you updated yet again! :D And yeah, I do feel loved by all the InuYasha cast... Except Kagome...

Mi-mama: ... Hey InuYasha gang and Mizuki, how'd you guys like singing?

JJ: I thought it was cool, especially Mizuki's song.

Mi-mama: I told you, SESSHOMARU WINS IT!

JJ: WHO CARES? Anyways, I haven't any Qs, sadly. (doesn't hear anyone trying to feel sad) ... B st rdz... Anyway, all I can say is YAY FOR DA INUYASHA IDOL! Better than American Idol, that's fo'sho...

Mi-mama: ... I like that show.

JJ: Oh geez... Well, chat witcha later pendejos, Shippo, and Mizuki! :3

Mi-mama: Byye! :3
UNseated4TH chapter 8 . 12/2/2008
xD *slaps Osama hi 5 for being anti twilighter. Not that I hate the books, they just REALLY need some paying out*

You know what? 'Tis the season to be jolly! And to celebrate most of my dares shall be christmasy and seasonal.

So...I'd like to dare the entire cast...

Entire cast: Christmas cosplay! Fluffy- dress up as Santa. Get Kohaku, Jaken, Souta, Kanna, Hakudoshi and Rin to be Santa's little helpers and Miroku, Kouga and Inuyasha to be the Raindeer. Kaede can be Santa's mum, Sango and Kagome can be christmas Angels, Ginta, Hakaku, Ayame, Kagome's friends, Hojo and the band of seven can be elves, Grandpa can be Santa's dad, Kagome's mum can be Santa's sister, Kagura can be Mrs Claus, uh un can be the sleigh, NAraku can be can be a naughty little boy who gets coal. Anyone I've forgotten can be a raindeer or elf.

Oh yeah, you have to go to Sydney harbour and cosplay there for everyone (including me) and go on a bridge climb. It will be fun and you will enjoy yoursleves. Doesn't that sound fun? Merry Christmas!

Lol, yeah they should perform chappie 2 also.

Sesshy can be the doctor

Ayame can be bella

Inuyasha can be alice

Naraku can be jacob
hitntr chapter 8 . 12/2/2008
Awesome -

I enjoy when you beat them up the most, definitely the best part of this. The only song I knew out of all of those songs was Saving me so I ain't going to vote. I don't listen to much music anymore :( Great job by the way!

PS- Gir is pretty awesome!

PSS- I am a girl! Much like 95 percent of the people who come onto this website!
UNseated4TH chapter 7 . 11/9/2008
lol, okay!

Koga and Miroku: Go to my profile and read the twilight story I wrote. Then act it out. Koga can be Edward and Miroku can be Emmett.

Kagome: Why do you always wear your school clothes? Wouldn't you wear something a little more apropriate when going back to the feaudat era?

Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru- Do the 50's jive together to 'candy man' by Christina Aguilera'. Shesshoumaru can be the guy. Make sure everyone is watching.
hitntr chapter 7 . 11/9/2008
haha, that was pretty funny. :) Not one for daring or anything so I wont but I am enjoying reading this!
Jam.MastahXJay chapter 7 . 11/9/2008
Well, I have sad news...

MY PENCIL BROKE! DX Oh yeah... YOU UPDATED! :D (Finally) Sadly, I only have one comment. (Waits for InuYasha people to stop crying, then realizes that you guys are laughing) Damn you all...

Mizuki- Your Q&A is one of the four Q&As that were made because of my YuYu Q&A. (The other three are Naruto, Furuba, and Pokemon)

I've been reading them, and they're awesome, but it's SO MUCH READING! (is dead, then comes back to life)

Oh yeah... GIR'S AWESOME! :D (dies again)
Bokreeder chapter 5 . 11/6/2008
Ok I'm borred so this dare is for Naraku: Where a pink flowerly dress and ask Sessy out.

Sess you have to say yes

Oh and please up date soon!
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