Reviews for Memoirs of a Master
Stories10 chapter 25 . 7/31/2024
Thank you for such an amazing story. If the later KFP movies never happened, this should be the canon story.

This is the first story in quite a while that made cry from how good is was. Heck, I wish I could forget the whole story just to get the first time experience again.
Anonymous chapter 25 . 4/20/2024
This was a really good story. It’s not easy to create OCs and make the readers so attached to them…but you did it.

Thank you for writing this.
MrE05 chapter 25 . 10/14/2023
Dear Luna:

I know that this is a very old fic, but it was an incredible journey from start to finish. Very rarely is fanfiction capable of making me cry like this, or audibly gasp in excitement as pieces came together (see: Flying Rhino). Especially for something like Kung Fu Panda, which normally doesn't generate the greatest fan works. I can soundly say that this is one of the most touching pieces of fanfiction I've ever read. Even after 15 years, this story is truly 'the stuff of legend' as a certain Dragon Warrior would say.
NoXVZhuusox chapter 25 . 3/9/2022
I know this is old and all, but I caught something here and I am curious.

What did Borte mean bring Yeying to Oogway? He is alive?
FireDragon484 chapter 25 . 8/22/2020
Awwww I'm a sucker for happy endings - Shifu got to reconcile w/ Shan, reunite w/ Yeying, finally open up to Tigress, and even start reconciling w/ Tai Lung.

But seriously, thank you for writing this amazing story! It's been a wild ride, seeing Shifu grow up from his rice farmer days, to awkward teenager days, to being a proud new master, to extremely dark times, to being an emotionally constipated teacher/mentor/parent, to an old man who's found peace and family.
FireDragon484 chapter 22 . 8/21/2020
Man, I just realized how aggressive Shifu was in that peach tree scene
FireDragon484 chapter 20 . 8/21/2020
*smashes head against wall*
I fricken KNEW this was gonna happen, I knew daddy issues were gonna come into play. Man, now I wanna read a fix-it fic where Shifu handed this situation a lil better
FireDragon484 chapter 18 . 8/21/2020
Gaaaaaaah Shifu why would you fricken abruptly change your relationship with Tai Lung like that? You've p much guaranteed daddy issues for him smh
FireDragon484 chapter 17 . 8/21/2020
Bruhhhhhh that was an emotional rollercoaster - 1) screw Rong Lang, 2) nooooooooo not Yeying, 3) SCREW Rong Lang, that murderous bastard, 4) man Shifu's getting absolutely screwed over by life, and 5) love your interpretation of how Shifu met Tai Lung!
FireDragon484 chapter 16 . 8/21/2020
Nooooooooo why Shan? Why did he snap like that :(
FireDragon484 chapter 13 . 8/21/2020
"and something you have always had will be lost forever"

Smhhhh why you gotta make a dirty joke sound so ominous, Oogway?
FireDragon484 chapter 12 . 8/21/2020
Lmaooooo poor Shan - first he's gotta deal w/ Ren and Li getting it ~on~ then he's gotta convince Yeying's father that he's not interested in her
FireDragon484 chapter 10 . 8/21/2020
Yoooooo, Red Claw wtf?
FireDragon484 chapter 8 . 8/21/2020
Bahahaha, Shifu asking Song if he had a great ass was hilarious
FireDragon484 chapter 7 . 8/21/2020
"Guys, come on, it's not like this Zigsa guy is Tai Lung's dad or anything,"

Now that's just tempting fate
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