Reviews for Memoirs of a Master
Tabenstein chapter 25 . 4/24/2009
... ... ...where can I even begin?


I told myself I wouldn't cry when this was over. I was determined to keep myself sane, despite the fact that this chapter was it, and then you'd be going away for a while. Needless to say, I am writing this very review for you on a tear-drenched keyboard. I never expected that story to make me cry...I didn't even cry at chapter eighteen. As close as I came, I kept my composure and held it together. An emotional breakdown in school would really have been weird anyway, and over a Kung Fu Panda fanfiction no less!


It takes a real genius to bring someone into a story SO well that the reader actually feels the pain that your characters feel...I felt the remorse as Shifu was told that his wife died. I felt the feelings of neglect and abandonment as Tigress fought for her Baba's love. I struggled through the trials of Tai Lung as he became the warrior of the ages...

Am I ever going to stop crying?

I was in utter shock with Shifu as he saw his wife, alive!, for the first time in forty years. I cried with Shifu as he finally admitted his fatherly love for his daughter. I laughed with Shifu at the snowball game. I bawled my eyes out alongside Tai Lung as Tai Ping found his way back to His Boy. I also feel the everlasting happiness that Shifu surely feels now to know that he had regained his son.

We can take any amount of pain, as long as we have a happy ending...

Let's face it,'re a GOD. If I ever find someone HALF as good at writing as you, it will not be any time soon. You deserve as much time off as you need. Take as much as you like. I will anxiously await your return. I will affectionately log in to every day until I'm as old as the grand master himself, looking for your next work of art to rear its golden head within the pages of this site.

Until then, with sincerest thanks for your commitment to the writing community,


PS: "First, you’re totally bodacious, and second, you’re awesome. Just thought you should know that."
corset-rebellion-follower chapter 25 . 4/24/2009
No... don't end... (grips the story hard that she would suffocate it if it were a human being) I DON'T WANNA LET GO YET!

The ending was perfect. I was completely taken by surprise when I found out Yeying was still alive and well. Tai Lung's state of being as well. And I think it's so cute that he and Wu Jun got together! They would make a pretty good couple, evil or not.

I'm glad that Shifu got to visit Xue Shan before he died. I kind of hated him earlier, but now I like him again.

And I liked everyone living together at the Jade Palace, all the old masters, and the young ones, and of course the Dragon Warrior.

By the way, I love the fact that the last line of this story was "Yes'm". Just putting that out there.

I have one more thing to say to you before I end this review, the LAST REVIEW I SHALL EVER BE ABLE TO POST ON THIS STORY:

Legend tells of a legendary writer, whose writing skills were the stuff of legend. And her name...

...was Luna Goldsun.
Classic Cowboy chapter 25 . 4/24/2009
Wonderful end to a wonderful story!

I knew Yeying would show back up, had no proof but I just knew she had survived. Great to see her back and her interaction with the Five and Po, and especially enjoyed the Po/Tigress.

But what really surprised me was Tai/Jun. Wasn't expecting that. But definately enjoyed it.

I know you said you are taking a break, but I would definately love to see your characters, both canon and original be revisited in the future.

This has been an awesome story from the start to finish and it saddens me to see it end, but how you closed it off definately brings forth the warm fuzziness of a happily ever after ending that it is.

Great job, Luna, enjoy your break from writin', you've earned it!
Uldaren Bardaniel chapter 25 . 4/24/2009
Oh, man, this chapter had me rolling on the floor! The snowball fight was amazing. Good to see them having fun.

OMG! Yeying! I knew it was her! She's alive! Thank you! It was so funny how mad she got at Shifu. :) You know what they say about scorned women. Rar!

“So what shall I call you?” she calmly asked.

“Whatever you desire,” he said seriously. “You can call me Shifu, or Fu, as Oogway did when he was cross at me—or…hell, at this point you can call me ‘Rat Bastard’ and I’ll answer to it.”

That was so funny!

Tai Lung is alive! Wahoo!

The messages in the book were so sweet. This story could not have ended more perfectly. Once again, thank you so much.
Marie Goos chapter 24 . 4/22/2009
OH SNAP IT WAS XUE SHAN. Anyway. This was yet another great chapter... I swear I heard the music from the movie in my head while I was reading about Shifu and Tai Lung's battle. Plus I squeed just as fangirlishly as Po when Ochir, Li, and Ren walked in the room! :) And oh man, only one chapter left! It must feel weird to be so close to the end. Good luck with your break- you deserve it after pumping this out.
side-fish chapter 24 . 4/22/2009
Wow. I totally loved the last part. It was so warm and welcoming and they all finally meet.

I also liked the Jian Qiang scene.

Well that explains Shan. It's kinda sad he died, but I think you're gonna tell us what happened :)).

Tai Lung. Somehow, his end somewhat seems open-ended, but I guess he is dead, unless you plan on a sequel.

Yeah, you do need a break. I don't think I'll ever write 100,0 words, but not that I want to. And to think, we buy novels that contained less words. I swear, with 25 chapters, you just made 8.33 feature length films or like I would say it, 8.33 Kung Fu Pandas P.
Lola Kristy chapter 24 . 4/22/2009
I was just waiting for when Shifu came back! XD That was awesome! Hm... could you tell us how Xue Shan survived Shifu slitting his throat. Really good chapter. Update soon.
Tabenstein chapter 24 . 4/21/2009
Wow...just wow.

That's the response I'm typing, instead of the one I actually had. The one I had was something along the lines of [EDITED FOR WHOLE-HEARTED APPRAISAL CONTAINING EXUBERANT VULGAR CONTENT].

This is probably the best thing I've ever read. Ever. Ever. I cannot wait for the epilogue. So good...

I honestly cannot wait for your next story, but since you're taking time off to get your life together (best of luck to you, by the way), I plan to go back and read your other stories first. At the top of my list is That's Why They Call it the Present.

I really hope all goes well with you and your future, regarding getting your life straightened out and all. I understand how you feel completely, as I just took steps to put my own story on hiatus until some home problems get fixed. Again, I wish you the best of luck, and I cannot wait until your valiant return with some epic new stories for your adoring fans and loving supporters.

Thank you, for everything,

AngelEtty chapter 24 . 4/21/2009
Oh Wow! cool!.

Shifu's friend's were all still alive (except Yeying of course)

That's so sad, Xue Shan died... well, I thought he died ages ago but atleast he had a good life.

Sorry I didn't review yesterday...I was at a sleepover (and going on another one)

Sure, I can wait I guess, just don't forget ok?

Have a nice break from writing
Amaruk Wolfheart of the Wraith chapter 24 . 4/20/2009
Absolutely brilliant. _ I've enjoyed this tale so very much - I wish it weren't coming to an end already. As far as your break, while I can't say I'm glad to see you go, I must say I think you deserve a nice, relaxing break after such a marvelous, monumental effort as memoirs. Major props for sheer awesomeness. I can't wait for the epilogue!
telracs chapter 24 . 4/20/2009

This was so...epic. I mean really, great story! Really great! And about Shifu hiding the scrolls for the five to find on purpose was genius. I can honestly say that I "assumed" he had placd them there on purpose before this chapter.

The fight was awesome, and well the fill-ins were amazing.

I am saddened that you won't be posting in a while, but everyone needs time off. I hope you get your life in the position you want it to be and that your soul would not be misplaced. (BTW, excuse my language but Life is a bitch).

Well, get beter soon! :)
Necron Dragon Lord of D.A chapter 24 . 4/20/2009
Epic ..not other words to say and congrats for the 300 reviews...everyone need an epilogue as soon as tried as hard we could to resist until the day zero for the next chapter.
Classic Cowboy chapter 24 . 4/20/2009
I had a feeling he knew they were going to find the scrolls. But still the reaction from Po and the Five getting caught red handed, Po and Tigress especially 'red handed' if you catch my meaning there, was priceless.

And Po gets to meet Master Flying Rhino and Shifu's surviving friends, huh? this will be a good ending.

as bad as I hate to see this wonderful story end, like Shifu said here, every story needs an ending. Concidering the pure awesomeness you've given us here, a break is more than understandable.

Great stuff as always, looking forward to the ending! Thanks for the great work!
kronosdragon chapter 24 . 4/20/2009
Wow, this is really great! I can't wait for the next chapter!
Red Panda Alchemist chapter 24 . 4/20/2009
Doin' great!
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