Reviews for Project M
T51b Moridin chapter 2 . 8/20/2015
Well it was simply dismantled not destroyed. Dismantled means the tools are still available. Its ingenious really. Impressive. I would like to note for my own sake a few things I noted. Ultimate Universe of Marvel is extremely bloody and violent. IN that they do not suffer loose ends. Captain America kills. Thats kinda a big deal right there. They are all killing people to do their jobs versus the rock em sock em fighting the did before. And apparently they killed the Hulk in this universe due to be unable to find a way to bring him out of the New York Manhattan area thus resulting in thousands of deaths. Its rather intriguing to see a world without the literal strongest being. The fact that Hulk died is testament that this Hulk was not at the level the other Hulk is capable of reaching. Its again really interesting.
T51b Moridin chapter 1 . 8/20/2015
That was pretty freaking intense. i"m surprised they found him before he was sent to be forced to participate in some of those other projects. In fact I would almost hesitate to say I would have liked him to end up participating in zem all. Lolz. Talk about jacking a human to the level of max. Adamantium skeleton with phoenix strength and regen with wolverine regeneration genes spliced in to make him regenerate nigh instantly with rebirth abilities popped in there. Talk about powerhouse. Or at least bullet sponge.
readingcompulsion24 chapter 2 . 8/14/2015
Update!, Update,
Love the concept you must continue for us all
d4rkf0x chapter 3 . 8/9/2015
Guest chapter 3 . 8/4/2015
nice fic so far, i had to look up the ultimates to see who they were but that was worth it, you fight scene was brilliant much better than those i usually read. looking forward to more :)
Ranmaleopard chapter 3 . 7/30/2015
This is just really awesome I can't wait to see what happens next. Please continue!
Skendo chapter 3 . 6/24/2015
Have you considered writing this fight from the perspective of the Shield Agents and the Ultimates because surely they would have watched it all from their super powered satellites. Besides, how else would Steve have known where to send Thor? I'm really enjoying this story. I am only familiar with the movie verse Avengers/SHIELD/X-men, so that is who I'm envisioning for each character. As for the rest, I'm sort of making them up lol! I notice that you haven't updated in about 5 years, but on the off chance you will either read this review or decide to return to writing this story, just know that myself and the other 543 people who have reviewed, shall wait in hope of a new chapter! :D
MattKennedy chapter 3 . 5/24/2015
Fun story with lots of action. :)
auvro chapter 3 . 5/23/2015
this chapter is brilliant
ArcanePracti-cat chapter 3 . 4/7/2015
Yep! This is amazing.
Ahhh... if you ever perchance write more of this, i'll be happily waiting patiently for it... :3

Thor is badass, and Harry TOTALLY equally so- maybe a bit more so, when he gets to the phoenix powers. I mean, maybe he won't burst into flames and turn into a baby... awkward... xD but it seems he's reborn in flames as good as new, so there's no beating him down! :D (at least, not without destroying a planet or something, like thor implied. xD)

...Hahaha, but I think Fury's gonna be pissed... xD D'ya think Harry can magic some of the ground back together or something...? heh. whoopsies. xD

I hope he can go to Asgard and get a vision of his home universe though. Thor did after all yield, regardless of Harry joining the group anyway (and who didn't see that coming? :3 xD) AND I personally want to know what's up back home, maybe... :P

ANYWAY- yep yep, if you get to more of this I'm totally going to be in your digital audience. :D
Cool work, thanks for the story!
ArcanePracti-cat chapter 2 . 4/7/2015
Great great great!

BUT WHOAH THAT VERSE... whoops. egads.
Daaang, getting pulled back right at that moment... D: but I actually like how they leave it at that, because really, now that he's left it there's nothing in that verse for Harry so it's really not worth going back; it's not his, and... it's sad for now, but he's better off stuck in this world than stuck in an apocalyptic one. :P x.x
I like your characterization of the characters! Steve Rogers for one, he has character depth with a sense of humor and justice, but he's not all sappy like in some fics. There's the agent / military aspect of him, I can really almost see him talking there. Very confident, and I can see the super soldier there... :)

ArcanePracti-cat chapter 1 . 4/7/2015
I haven't been able to find a good fanfic that's like the tone that superhero movies/series have. Yknow, that kick-ass action, and the crazy powers that somehow don't actually seem overpowered because the point ISN'T he power, it's the USE AND RESPONSIBILITY of it. It's usually romance and pairings and emotional character/background/trauma issues- NOT that I'm complaining about all of them, although it *can* get a bit repetitive unless it's written well; I just mean it's AWESOME to find a story like this.
:D :D xD
animal lover13 chapter 3 . 3/21/2015
I love what you have writing so far. I know it's been a while since you last updated, but I how you're able to soon.

Keep writing
Arthorius chapter 3 . 3/9/2015
Going on 5 years since last update, once again another very good crossover has the appearance of being dead/abandon...
Salinia chapter 3 . 11/25/2014
Absolutely amazing story!
Can't wait to read more!
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